
5日エントリでボール=マンキューの「A Sticky-Price Manifesto」という論文の冒頭部を紹介したが*1、その最初の節「Why We Believe What We Believe/Money Matters」から興味深いと思った記述をピックアップしてみる。

In his course on monetary economics given over a decade ago, Stanley Fischer posed the question, "How do you know that money matters?" His answer was "Friedman and Schwartz, and Paul Volcker."

...policy changed in 1979 because William Miller chose to resign in that year and his replacement had a more fervent distaste for inflation. This historical fact makes it plausible to interpret the Volcker disinflation as an exogenous event that caused the 1981-82 recession. It seems less likely that causality ran in the other direction -- that Volcker looked ahead to the upcoming recession (over which he had no control) and decided, for some reason, that it was a good time to pursue contractionary policy.

Historical analysis is, of course, intrinsically open to dispute. Different historians can tell different stories about what happened in a given episode. Yet it is noteworthy that there is no treatise entitled A Technology-shock History of the United States. The leading interpretation of U.S. macroeconomic history remains monetary.

Krugman (1993) summarizes the evidence this way: "I personally think that the effort to explain away the apparent real effects of nominal shocks is silly, even if one restricts oneself to domestic evidence. Once one confronts international evidence, however, it becomes an act of almost pathological denial."



*2:cf. このエントリ