
というテーマに関する論文(ワーキングペーパー)をダラス連銀の研究者が出した(原題は「Did Residential Electricity Rates Fall After Retail Competition? A Dynamic Panel Analysis」;Mostly Economics経由)。


A key selling point for the restructuring of electricity markets was the promise of lower prices, that competition among independent power suppliers would lower electricity prices to retail customers. There is not much consensus in earlier studies on the effects of electricity deregulation, particularly for residential customers. Part of the reason for not finding a consistent link with deregulation and lower prices was that the removal of the transitional price caps led to higher prices. In addition, the timing of the removal of price caps coincided with rising fuel prices, which were passed on to consumers in a competitive market. Using a dynamic panel model, we analyze the effect of participation rates, fuel costs, market size, a rate cap and a switch to competition for 16 states and the District of Columbia. We find that an increase in participation rates, price controls, a larger market, and high shares of hydro in electricity generation lower retail prices, while increases in natural gas and coal prices increase rates. The effects of a competitive retail electricity market are mixed across states, but generally appear to lower prices in states with high participation and raise prices in states that have little customer participation.


Percent of residential electric customers in state i choosing a competitive retail electric provider at time t-k


The restructuring of U.S. electricity markets has received a great deal of attention in the energy economics literature, particularly in the mid 2000s as many states experimented with retail competition. Earlier studies on the effects of restructuring initiatives have failed to reach a consensus, particularly as these initiatives apply to residential customers. Previous efforts to study this topic were complicated by an inseparability of the effects of temporary transitional pricing schemes from the true effects of a competitive market. With several years of data following the expiration of many of these temporary pricing schemes, we revisit this issue using an econometric approach unique to this literature. Increasing participation in the competitive market appears to be a crucial element in reducing residential electric rates, while price reductions detected by earlier studies were likely driven by price controls rather than competitive forces. With the exception of Maine’s somewhat unique bid-for-generation setup, states that have failed to provide the proper market incentives for residential customers to switch to a competitive provider and for firms to provide electricity to residential customers have been less successful in reducing residential electric rates. Our findings suggest that with a market design that encourages adequate participation, a competitive retail electricity market can benefit residential customers.


Our results show that none of the retail electricity market designs yield instant price reductions for customers. States that held prices artificially low during the transition to a competitive market may have seen lower prices initially; however, the long-run effect of artificially depressed prices is a misallocation of resources and an inefficient electricity market. Consumers have no incentive to switch to an alternative electricity provider and providers have no incentive to enter the market to serve residential customers. A successfully designed market must provide profit opportunities for providers as well as incentives for consumers to switch providers. Although this may result in higher-than-desired rates initially, in the long-run intensified competition is more to likely yield sustainable lower rates. An alternative seemingly successful approach is to procure standard-offer electricity services through a competitive bidding process, as in Maine. This approach does not have the dependence on retail customers’ participation, but still has the potential to yield some level of benefit resulting from competition.
我々の研究結果が示すところによれば、電力小売市場のどのような改革も、即座に顧客への販売価格の低下をもたらすことは無い。自由化への移行期において価格を人為的に低く抑えていた州の方が、むしろ自由化当初の価格は低いであろう。しかし、人為的に価格を低く抑えることは、長期的な資源の配分の歪みを招き、非効率的な電力市場をもたらす。そうした市場では、顧客は代替的な電力業者に切り替える誘因を持たず、供給者側も州内居住顧客に電力を供給する誘因を持たない。成功した市場設計においては、供給者に利益機会を与えると同時に、顧客に供給者を切り替える誘因を与えることが必須条件となる。それによって、当初の価格は望ましい水準よりも高くなってしまうかもしれないが、長期的には競争の強化は持続可能な低料金をもたらすであろう。成功したように見えるもう一つの手法は、メイン州のように、競争的な入札プロセスを通じて標準提供電力サービス(standard-offer electricity services)を導入することである。この手法は小売顧客の参加を必要としないが、競争のもたらす恩恵のある程度の水準を達成する可能性を持っている。

ちなみにこのstandard-offer electricity servicesについては、メイン中央電力(Central Maine Power=CMP)のFAQでは以下のように説明されている

What is the "Standard Offer?"
The Maine law that created electric competition on March 1, 2000, provides that any customer who does not designate a Competitive Electricity Provider for their electric-energy supply will receive Standard Offer service arranged by the state.
Under terms of the law, CMP no longer sells electricity; we deliver electricity, maintaining and operating the more than 150 substations and 20,000-plus circuit-miles of power lines required to perform that service.
Electric bills now reflect separate charges for CMP delivery service, and for each customer's electricity supplier, whether a competitive provider or the Standard Offer. Putting supply and delivery charges on the same bill was judged more convenient for consumers than sending two bills for each month's service. CMP forwards the supply portion of customers' payments to the appropriate supplier.
How are Standard Offer prices set?
The Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) accepts bids from competitive electricity suppliers to supply Standard Offer service for CMP customers who have not designated a competitive electricity supplier.
「標準提供(Standard Offer)」とは何ですか?
2000年3月1日の電力自由化を定めたメイン州の法律では、自分への電力供給業者として競争的電力供給者(Competitive Electricity Provider)を指定しなかった顧客は皆、州の用意する標準提供サービスを受けることになっています。
メイン公共企業委員会(Maine Public Utilities Commission=MPUC)が、競争的電力供給業者を指定しなかったCMPの顧客に標準提供サービスを提供するため、競争的電力供給業者からの入札を実施します。