昨日触れたSalonのAndrew Leonardは、2005年6月のFOMC議事録の中から、Calculated Riskがピックアップしたジャック・グイン・アトランタ連銀総裁の発言の他に、マーク・オルソン理事の発言も紹介している。そこでオルソンは、モーゲージローンにおける審査基準の弛緩と、セカンダリー市場におけるリスク評価の不適切さを指摘しているが、Leonardは特に彼の以下の言葉を強調している。
It's not clear at this point if the MBS market will be an efficient distributor and disseminator of risk or if those in that market will be the last to recognize the risk that's embedded in what they're doing and know how to price it.
また、Huffington Postでは、今回公開された2005年のFOMC議事録のうち12月の議事録を取り上げ、以下のように書いている(Calculated Riskの引用より)。
"I offer one more piece of evidence that I think almost surely suggests that the end is near in this sector. While channel-surfing the other night, to the annoyance of my otherwise very patient wife, I came across a new television series on the Discovery Channel entitled 'Flip That House,'" economist David Stockton said, prompting a roomful of laughter according to the transcript. "As far as I could tell, the gist of the show was that with some spackling, a few strategically placed azaleas and access to a bank, you too could tap into the great real-estate wealth machine. It was enough to put even the most ardent believer in market efficiency into existential crisis. [Laughter]"
The Fed, the home of many of the most ardent believers in market efficiency, did not go through an existential crisis, however, and did little to slow down surging prices or warn consumers that "the end is near."
Calculated Riskは、この会合が開かれた時点で既に住宅バブルの崩壊は始まっていた、と指摘している。