

既に各通信社で報じられている通り(日本語ではここここここここ)、年末にブランシャールIMF調査局長が2010年の経済の状況と2011年の見通しについてコメントした。IMFのサイトではここにそのインタビューが掲載されている(H/T Economist's View)。


IMF Survey online: What is your assessment of how the global economy turned out in 2010? What went better than you anticipated, and what does not look so good?
Blanchard: The short answer is that there were no major surprises. We had forecast positive but low growth in advanced economies, fast growth in emerging economies, and, lo and behold, this is how the year has turned out.
Indeed, I just went back and compared outcomes to our forecasts as of last January. For advanced countries, we were right on the dot for the United States; things turned out a bit better than expected for core Europe; Japan had higher growth than we had anticipated, but it looks like a one-time phenomenon. As for emerging countries, we were right on the mark for China; India did better than we had forecast.
To say that there were no major surprises, however, is not the same as saying that things are fine. They are not. The two-speed recovery, low in advanced countries, fast in emerging market countries, is striking and its features are increasingly stark. They will probably dominate 2011, and beyond.

インタビュアー(IMF Survey online)
2010年の世界経済の状況を振り返ってみてどう思われますか? 予想より良かったことと、それほど良くなかったことをお教えください。


IMF Survey online: For the past couple of years, the need for economic rebalancing has been the mantra of the IMF. As we begin 2011, where do we stand?

Blanchard: It should remain the mantra. Rebalancing, internal and external, continues to be crucial. Without this economic rebalancing, there will be no healthy recovery. The argument is very simple: Before the crisis, growth in many advanced countries came from excessive domestic demand, be it consumption, or housing investment. This could not go on. Those countries must rely on other sources of demand. Until now, they have used fiscal policy to prop up domestic demand. This was needed, but it is not sustainable. The deficit countries must rely more on external demand, on exports. And, by symmetry, surplus countries, many of them emerging markets, must do the reverse, shift from external demand to domestic demand and reduce their dependence on exports.
This is not to say that without rebalancing, the recovery cannot continue. Continued fiscal expansion, or a return by U.S. consumers to their old, low-saving ways can sustain demand and growth for some time. But they will recreate many of the problems that were at the root of the crisis. And guess what will come next …

インタビュアー(IMF Survey online)


IMF Survey online: What about fiscal and banking problems?
Blanchard: Except for Greece, the fiscal woes are the result of the macro slump, not of irresponsible fiscal behavior. Can the countries achieve fiscal sustainability? They can, but another IMF fiscal mantra should be repeated here: What is essential is not so much dramatic cuts now but medium-term anchoring, a credible path to debt stabilization, and eventually debt reduction.

インタビュアー(IMF Survey online)
ギリシャを除けば、財政問題はマクロ経済不況の結果であり、無責任な財政政策の結果ではありません。では、各国は財政を再建することができるでしょうか? ええ、できます。ただし、ここでもう一つのIMFの財政に関するマントラを繰り返しておく必要があるでしょう。重要なのは、今すぐの劇的な支出削減ではなく、中期的な目標の堅持なのです。その中期的な目標とは、債務の安定化、および最終的な債務削減に向けた信頼性のある道筋です。