
ジャスティン・フォックスが今年のノーベル経済学賞の報を受けて書いている(原題は「A Nobel Lesson: Economics is Getting Messier」)。

What this year's prize does clearly indicate is that the Nobel committee believes economic theory is messy and getting messier (no, I didn't come up with this insight on my own; my colleague Tim Sullivan had to nudge me). The last Nobel awarded for an all-encompassing mathematical theory of how the economic world fits together was to Robert Lucas in 1995 for his work on rational expectations. Since then (with the arguable exceptions of the prizes awarded to Robert Merton and Myron Scholes in 1997 for options-pricing and to Fynn Kydland and Edward Prescott in 2004 for real-business-cycle theory) the Nobel crew has chosen to honor either interesting economic side projects or work that muddies the elegance of those grand postwar theories of rational actors buying and selling under conditions of perfect competition. The 2001 prize for work exploring the impact on markets of asymmetric information, awarded to George Akerlof, Michael Spence and Joseph Stiglitz, was probably most similar to this year's model (and, not coincidentally, Akerlof and Stiglitz were also MIT grad students in the 1960s).

The implications of messier economics are interesting to contemplate. The core insight of mainstream economics — that incentives matter — continues to hold up well. And on the whole, markets appear to do a better job of channeling those incentives to useful ends than any other form of economic organization. But beyond that, the answers one can derive from economic theory — especially answers that address the functioning of the entire economy — are complicated and often contradictory. Meaning that sometimes we non-economists are just going to have to figure things out for ourselves.