
何だか小生が2年前に書いたエントリのタイトルに似ているが、エズラ・クラインが10/5のエントリをそう題している(原題は「Will America come to envy Japan's lost decade?」)。



If we talk about what else could be done, I think the Federal Reserve could certainly do more. The question is whether what they'll do will have a substantial effect. It'll have some effect. But the numbers for the total amount of asset purchases really required to move the needle a lot is very large. There's a natural bias towards caution among monetary policymakers in this kind of environment.
So usually what happens is that you're in a liquidity trap and you're at the zero bound and you send the staffers away to try and figure out the optimal policy. They go away and model things and come back with some monstrously large number of the amount that needs to be purchased, and the policymakers say, 'Well, I'm not sure you've properly taken into account all the tail risks of this? How do you account for the tail risk that people will lose confidence?' So then the policymakers take a step back towards caution, and that's why in this kind of situation, stimulus tends to be underprovided compared to what's necessary. I think we'll do quite a lot, but it will still fall short of what we need.
自然な反応として彼らが何をするかと言えば、流動性の罠に陥って金利はゼロという状況下で最適な金融政策はどのようなものかを部下たちに調査させる。部下たちはモデルを組み上げて、必要とされる資産購入額の途轍もなく巨大な数字を携えて戻ってくる。すると政策担当者は、「おい、この件に関するテールリスクはすべてきちんと考慮に入れたのか? 人々が信頼を失うというテールリスクはどうなっている?」と言う。そんな感じで、政策担当者は慎重を期して一歩退いてしまう。それが、こうした状況下で実際に供給される刺激策が必要額を下回ってしまいがちな理由だ。刺激策は大いに供給されるとは思うが、それでも必要額にはまだ足りないだろう。


There's a trap, and it's the same thing that happened with fiscal stimulus. You do something in the right direction that's inadequate, and then people say, well, that didn't work, and instead of increasing the dosage and proving it right, you give the thing up altogether.
All of this is very familiar if you studied Japan in the '90s. In fact, we're doing worse than the Japanese did. Our monetary policy is a bit more aggressive, but our fiscal policy has been less aggressive. We have a larger output gap than they did, and we've had a surge in unemployment that they never had, and our political will to act has been exhausted much faster than theirs was. On the current track, we're going to look at Japan's lost decade as a success story compared to us. What we should be doing is a really big dose of stimulus on all of these fronts. Throw the kitchen sink at it. But if you ask me for ways to solve this problem that lives within the constraints of policymakers who don't want to be bold, I don't know that I have an answer for that.



*1:この鼎談は「America’s Fiscal Choices: Strengthening the Economy and Building for the Future」と題されたフォーラムの中で行われたらしいが、その主催者の一つであるEPIのサイトで動画が見られる(クルーグマンブログ経由)。また、同じく主催者の一つであるCenter on Budget and Policy Prioritiesがトランスクリプトまとめている(当初その中でFeldsteinをFeldmanと誤記していたが、デロングクルーグマンに指摘されたこともあってか現在は修正されている)。