Something that I wrestle with is the question of whether all output gaps (assuming they are measured correctly) are the same. Let me explain. Let's say there is a negative output gap. If it were created by a negative AD shock then it then the notion of an output gap as it is normally used makes senses (i.e. policy should aim to close the gap). What if, however, the negative output gap were created by a positive AS shock, say a surge in the productivity growth rate. It is far from clear to me that this creates the same problem as one from a negative AD shock.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
David Beckworth: That's an interesting question. From the perspective of the model, and using an objective function expressed in terms of the output gap w/quadratic loss, I don't think that one should care how the gap arises.
On the other hand declining marginal utility of consumption might suggest that one cares more about deficient AD as opposed to higher AS. That's an informal thought...
As I noted in my previous post, this spike in the productivity growth rate may be why the unemployment rate has been remained so high. If, in fact, this productivity surge is the cause of the downward price pressures then here is another case that illustrates why it is important to distinguish between deflationary pressures arising from a negative aggregate demand shock versus those coming from positive aggregate supply shocks. I have written about the importance of this issue before, especially with regards to the 2003 deflation scare.
...There is a real deflationary threat lingering over the U.S. economy in 2009.
With that said, there is an unfortunate irony to the current deflationary threat that can be traced back to 2003. Back then there was another deflationary threat that concerned the Federal Reserve (Fed). As a result, the Fed lowered the federal funds rate to what was at the time an historically low value of 1%. It held this short-term interest rate there for a year before gradually tightening. As we now know, this excessively-loose monetary policy was an important contributor to the buildup of the economic imbalances that eventually led to this economic crisis, including the current deflationary threat. In short, the fear of deflation in 2003 laid seeds for the deflationary threat of 2009.
What makes this an unfortunate irony is that this chain of events did not have to happen. For there was a big difference between the deflationary pressures in 2003 and the ones in 2009. In 2003 the deflationary pressures were driven by rapid productivity gains and were benign in nature. Moreover, nominal spending or aggregate demand was rapidly growing. There simply was no evidence of a malign deflationary threat as there is today and thus, there was no need for the Fed to drop interest rates so low for so long. I have documented these developments in previous posts...