

I am intrigued by a simple proposal that I understand has been suggested by the Japanese Business Federation, the Nippon Keidanren. Under this proposal the Ministry of Finance would convert the fixed interest rates of the Japanese government bonds held by the Bank of Japan into floating interest rates. This "bond conversion"--actually, a fixed-floating interest rate swap--would protect the capital position of the Bank of Japan from increases in long-term interest rates and remove much of the balance sheet risk associated with open-market operations in government securities. Moreover, the budgetary implications of this proposal would be essentially zero, since any increase in interest payments to the BOJ by the MOF arising from the bond conversion would be offset by an almost equal increase in the BOJ's payouts to the national treasury. The budgetary neutrality of the proposal is of course a consequence of the fact that, as a matter of arithmetic, any capital gains or losses in the value of government securities held by the BOJ are precisely offset by opposite changes in the net worth of the issuer of those securities, the government treasury.

これは日本経団連が提唱したものだと理解しておりますが、私はあるシンプルな提案に興味を持っています。この提案は、財務省日本銀行保有の日本国債金利を固定金利から変動相場へ転換するというものです。この「ボンド・コンバージョン」(bond conversion)―実際には固定・変動金利スワップ―は、日本銀行自己資本ポジションを長期金利の上昇から守るとともに、国債公開市場操作に関わるバランスシート・リスクを大幅に軽減することになるでしょう。さらに、この提案の予算に対する関わり合いは本質的にゼロです。なぜなら、ボンド・コンバージョンによって生じる財務省から日銀への支払い金利の増加は、日銀から国庫へのほぼ同額の納付金増によって相殺されるからです。この提案が予算に対して中立的であるのは、無論、日銀保有国債の価値におけるキャピタル・ゲインあるいはキャピタル・ロスが、それらの証券の発行者、すなわち政府の純資産の逆の変化によって確実に相殺される。という事実の結果であり、これは算術計算の問題にほかなりません。

More generally, by replacing interest-bearing debt with money, BOJ purchases of government debt lower current deficits and interest burdens and thus the public's expectations of future tax obligations. Of course, one can never get something for nothing; from a public finance perspective, increased monetization of government debt simply amounts to replacing other forms of taxes with an inflation tax. But, in the context of deflation-ridden Japan, generating a little bit of positive inflation (and the associated increase in nominal spending) would help achieve the goals of promoting economic recovery and putting idle resources back to work, which in turn would boost tax revenue and improve the government's fiscal position.

