
というフランス銀行論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The Rise and Fall of Global Currencies over Two Centuries」で、著者は同行のVicquéry Roger。

This paper quantifies the relative dominance of global currencies and the competitive structure of the international monetary system since 1825. I find the post-1945 experience of dollar hegemony to have no historical precedent. No currency has ever maintained such a large, long-lasting lead over global currency rivals. Close competitors frequently challenged the previous hegemon, the pound sterling. I confirm the dollar temporarily overtook the sterling for the first time in the mid-1920s. Among previously overlooked episodes of monetary competition, I highlight the rise of the French franc in the 1850s and 1930s as well as of the German mark in the 1870s. In light of the recent debate on the costs and benefits of a multipolar international monetary system, I document a positive correlation between higher global currency competition and the prevalence of financial crises, which is however highly dependent on specific sub-periods.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Effects of Restrictive Abortion Legislation on Cohort Mortality / Evidence from 19th Century Law Variation」で、著者はJoanna N. Lahey(テキサスA&M大)、Marianne H. Wanamaker(テネシー大)。

Recent studies based on 20th century US data conclude that abortion access raises children’s average socioeconomic outcomes. We generalize a model of fertility, highlighting assumptions under which these abortion predictions can be reversed. Using 19th century abortion restrictions, we empirically demonstrate these points. Despite a more than 5 percent increase in birth rates among abortion-restricted cohorts, we find little evidence of negative selection at birth. Longevity was affected nevertheless; in the first ten years of life, children in these larger cohorts died of infectious disease more frequently. These mortality effects diminish with age, potentially reversing at older ages as a result of disease immunity or other offsetting factors.



*2:結論部では「In contrast to 20th century abortion-restricted US cohorts, marginal children induced by 19th century abortion restrictions were born into circumstances comparable, or perhaps somewhat more favorable, than cohorts born in state-years without these laws in place. That is, we find no evidence of negative selection into birth in the 19th century.」と記述している。本文では、「... a lower density of marginal children among low SES households than among high SES households would imply negative selection from removing abortion restricting legislation and positive selection from enacting abortion restricting legislation.」と記述している。


というNBER論文をエマニュエル・サエズらが上げている。原題は「Real-Time Inequality」で、著者はThomas Blanchet、Emmanuel Saez、Gabriel Zucman(いずれもUCバークレー)。

This paper constructs high-frequency and timely income distributions for the United States. We develop a methodology to combine the information contained in high-frequency public data sources—including monthly household and employment surveys, quarterly censuses of employment and wages, and monthly and quarterly national accounts statistics—in a unified framework. This allows us to estimate economic growth by income groups, race, and gender consistent with quarterly releases of macroeconomic growth, and to track the distributional impacts of government policies during and in the aftermath of recessions in real time. We test and successfully validate our methodology by implementing it retrospectively back to 1976. Analyzing the Covid-19 pandemic, we find that all income groups recovered their pre-crisis pretax income level within 20 months of the beginning of the recession. Although the recovery was primarily driven by jobs rather than wage growth, wages experienced significant gains at the bottom of the distribution, highlighting the equalizing effects of tight labor markets. After accounting for taxes and cash transfers, real disposable income for the bottom 50% was 20% higher in 2021 than in 2019, but fell in the first half of 2022 as the expansion of the welfare state during the pandemic was rolled back. All estimates are available at https://realtimeinequality.org and are updated with each quarterly release of the national accounts, within a few hours.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation」で、著者はPol Antràs(ハーバード大)、Teresa C. Fort(ダートマス大)、Agustín Gutiérrez(シカゴ大)、Felix Tintelnot(同)。

Import tariffs tend to be higher for final goods than for inputs, a phenomenon commonly referred to as tariff escalation. Yet neoclassical trade theory – and modern Ricardian trade models, in particular – predict that welfare-maximizing tariffs are uniform across sectors. We show that tariff escalation can be rationalized on efficiency grounds in the presence of scale economies. When both downstream and upstream sectors produce under increasing returns to scale, a unilateral tariff in either sector boosts the size and productivity of that sector, raising welfare. While these forces are reinforced up the chain for final-good tariffs, input tariffs may drive final-good producers to relocate abroad, mitigating their potential productivity benefits. The welfare benefits of final-good tariffs thus tend to be larger, with the optimal degree of tariff escalation increasing in the extent of downstream returns to scale. A quantitative evaluation of the US-China trade war demonstrates that any welfare gains from the increase in US tariffs are overwhelmingly driven by final-good tariffs.


というNBER論文が上がっている3月時点のungated版)。原題は「Information Spillovers and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets the Eurozone Crisis」で、著者はHarold L. Cole(ペンシルベニア大)、Daniel Neuhann(テキサス大オースティン校)、Guillermo Ordoñez(ペンシルベニア大)。

We develop a theory of information spillovers in sovereign bond markets in which investors can acquire information about default risk before trading in primary and secondary markets. If primary markets are structured as multi-unit discriminatory-price auctions, an endogenous winner’s curse leads to strategic complementarities in information acquisition. As a result, shocks to default risk in one country may trigger crisis episodes with widespread information acquisition, sharp increases in the level and volatility of yields in risky countries, falling yields in safe countries, endogenous market segmentation, and arbitrage profits between primary and secondary markets. These predictions are consistent with the behavior of primary and secondary market yields, market segmentation, and measures of information acquisition during the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis.

*1:cf. Multiunit auction - Wikipediaファイナンス 2020年6月号 No.655

*2:cf. Strategic complements - Wikipedia。ungated版の本文には「...the value of information may increase in the share of informed investors who participate in the auction. However, information acquisition is a strategic complement only when the number of informed investors is low.」という記述がある(斜体は原文)。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Global Supply Chain Pressures, International Trade, and Inflation」で、著者はJulian di Giovanni(NY連銀)、Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan(メリーランド大)、Alvaro Silva(同)、Muhammed A. Yildirim(コチ大)。

We study the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Euro Area inflation and how it compares to the experiences of other countries, such as the United States, over the two-year period 2020-21. Our model-based calibration exercises deliver four key results: 1) Compositional effects – the switch from services to goods consumption – are amplified through global input-output linkages, affecting both trade and inflation. 2) Inflation can be higher under sector-specific labor shortages relative to a scenario with no such supply shocks. 3) Foreign shocks and global supply chain bottlenecks played an outsized role relative to domestic aggregate demand shocks in explaining Euro Area inflation over 2020-21. 4) International trade did not respond to changes in GDP as strongly as it did during the 2008-09 crisis despite strong demand for goods. These lower trade elasticities in part reflect supply chain bottlenecks. These four results imply that policies aimed at stimulating aggregate demand would not have produced as high an inflation as the one observed in the data without the negative sectoral supply shocks.
我々は、2020-21年の2年間について、ユーロ圏のインフレにコロナ禍が与えた影響を調べ、米国など他国の経験と比較した。モデルに基づくカリブレーションを実施したところ、4つの主要な結果が得られた。1) 構成効果――サービス消費から財消費への移行――は国際的な産業連関構造によって増幅され、貿易とインフレの双方に影響した。2) 部門固有の労働力不足が存在する状況下では、そうした供給ショックが無いシナリオに比べ、インフレは高くなり得る。3) 2020-21年のユーロ圏のインフレを説明する上で、海外ショックとグローバル・サプライチェーンボトルネックは、国内の総需要ショックに比べて極めて大きな役割を演じた。4) 財への強い需要があったにもかかわらず、貿易はGDPの変化に2008-09年の危機の時ほど強く反応しなかった。このような貿易弾力性の低下は、サプライチェーンボトルネックが一因である。以上の4つの結果は、負の部門別供給ショックが無かりせば、総需要の刺激を狙った政策は、データで観測されたほどの高インフレをもたらさなかったであろう、ということを含意する。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Local Projections vs. VARs: Lessons From Thousands of DGPs」で、著者はDake Li(プリンストン大)、Mikkel Plagborg-Møller(同)、Christian K. Wolf(MIT)。

We conduct a simulation study of Local Projection (LP) and Vector Autoregression (VAR) estimators of structural impulse responses across thousands of data generating processes, designed to mimic the properties of the universe of U.S. macroeconomic data. Our analysis considers various identification schemes and several variants of LP and VAR estimators. A clear bias-variance trade-off emerges: LP estimators have lower bias than VAR estimators but substantially higher variance at intermediate and long horizons. Consequently, unless researchers are overwhelmingly concerned with bias, shrinkage via Bayesian VARs or penalized LPs is attractive.