法廷が米大統領を選ぶ可能性はいかほどか? 選挙人制度および国民投票で僅差の逆転可能性のある選挙結果が生じる確率

というタイムリーなテーマのNBER論文が上がっているungated版のある著者の一人のサイト)。原題は「How Likely Is It that Courts Will Select the US President? The Probability of Narrow, Reversible Election Results in the Electoral College versus a National Popular Vote」で、著者はMichael Geruso、Dean Spears(いずれもテキサス大オースティン校)。

Extremely narrow election outcomes—such as could be reversed by rejecting a few thousand ballots—are likely to trigger dispute over the results. Narrow vote tallies may generate recounts and litigation; they may be resolved by courts or elections administrators (e.g., Secretaries of State disqualifying ballots) rather than by voters; and they may reduce the peacefulness, perceived legitimacy, or predictability of the transfer of political power. In this paper we evaluate the probability of such disputable US presidential elections under a hypothetical National Popular Vote versus the current Electoral College system. Starting from probabilistic simulations of likely presidential election outcomes that are similar to the output from election forecasting models, we calculate the likelihood of disputable, narrow outcomes under the Electoral College. The probability that the Electoral College is decided by 20,000 ballots or fewer in a single, pivotal state is greater than 1-in-10. Although it is possible in principle for either system to generate more risk of a disputable election outcome, in practice the Electoral College today is about 40 times as likely as a National Popular Vote to generate scenarios in which a small number of ballots in a pivotal voting unit determines the Presidency. This disputed-election risk is asymmetric across political parties. It is about twice as likely that a Democrat's (rather than Republican's) Electoral College victory in a close election could be overturned by a judicial decision affecting less than 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000 ballots in a single, pivotal state.


というFRB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。論文の原題は「Let's close the gap: Revising teaching materials to reflect how the Federal Reserve implements monetary policy」で、著者はJane Ihrig(FRB)、Scott Wolla(セントルイス連銀)。

The topic of the Federal Reserve’s (the Fed’s) implementation of monetary policy has a significant presence in economics textbooks as well as standards and guidelines for economics instruction. This presence likely reflects the fact that it is the implementation framework that helps ensure that the Fed’s desired level of its policy interest rate is transmitted to financial markets, which helps it steer the economy toward the Congressional dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. Over the past decade or so, the Fed has purposefully shifted the way it implements monetary policy to an environment with ample reserves in the banking system, and it has introduced new policy tools along the way. This paper shows that, unfortunately, many teaching resources are not in sync with the Fed’s current framework. We review six, 2020 or 2021 edition, principles of economics textbooks, and we find they vary greatly in their coverage of the concepts associated with the way the Fed implements policy today and in the longer run. We provide recommendations on how the authors can improve the next editions of their textbooks. We also review standards and guidelines used by secondaryschool educators. All of these are out of date, and we provide proposals for how these materials can be updated.


というNBER論文が上がっている7月時点のWP、H/T Mostly Economics)。原題は「Mandatory Retirement for Judges Improved Performance on U.S. State Supreme Courts」で、著者はElliott Ash(チューリッヒ工科大学)、W. Bentley MacLeod(コロンビア大)。

Anecdotal evidence often points to aging as a cause for reduced work performance. This paper provides empirical evidence on this issue in a context where performance is measurable and there is variation in mandatory retirement policies: U.S. state supreme courts. We find that introducing mandatory retirement reduces the average age of working judges and improves court performance, as measured by output (number of published opinions) and legal impact (number of forward citations to those opinions). Consistent with aging effects as a contributing factor, we find that older judges do about the same amount of work as younger judges, but that work is lower-quality as measured by citations. However, the effect of mandatory retirement on performance is much larger than what would be expected from the change in the age distribution, suggesting that the presence of older judges reduces the performance of younger judges.


というNBER論文が上がっている2月時点のWP)。原題は「Piecewise-Linear Approximations and Filtering for DSGE Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints」で、著者はS. Bora˘gan Aruoba(メリーランド大)、Pablo Cuba-Borda(FRB)、Kenji Higa-Flores(メリーランド大)、Frank Schorfheide(ペンシルベニア大)、Sergio Villalvazo(同)。

We develop an algorithm to construct approximate decision rules that are piecewise-linear and continuous for DSGE models with an occasionally binding constraint. The functional form of the decision rules allows us to derive a conditionally optimal particle filter (COPF) for the evaluation of the likelihood function that exploits the structure of the solution. We document the accuracy of the likelihood approximation and embed it into a particle Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to conduct Bayesian estimation. Compared with a standard bootstrap particle filter, the COPF significantly reduces the persistence of the Markov chain, improves the accuracy of Monte Carlo approximations of posterior moments, and drastically speeds up computations. We use the techniques to estimate a small-scale DSGE model to assess the effects of the government spending portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 when interest rates reached the zero lower bound.



と題したエントリ(原題は「Trump rallies have killed 700 people」)でマンキューがこちらのSSRN論文を紹介している。論文のタイトルは「The Effects of Large Group Meetings on the Spread of COVID-19: The Case of Trump Rallies」で、著者はB. Douglas Bernheim、Nina Buchmann、Zach Freitas-Groff、Sebastián Otero(いずれもスタンフォード大)。

We investigate the effects of large group meetings on the spread of COVID-19 by studying the impact of eighteen Trump campaign rallies. To capture the effects of subsequent contagion within the pertinent communities, our analysis encompasses up to ten post-rally weeks for each event. Our method is based on a collection of regression models, one for each event, that capture the relationships between post-event outcomes and pre-event characteristics, including demographics and the trajectory of COVID-19 cases, in similar counties. We explore a total of 24 procedures for identifying sets of matched counties. For the vast majority of these variants, our estimate of the average treatment effect across the eighteen events implies that they increased subsequent confirmed cases of COVID-19 by more than 250 per 100,000 residents. Extrapolating this figure to the entire sample, we conclude that these eighteen rallies ultimately resulted in more than 30,000 incremental confirmed cases of COVID-19. Applying county-specific post-event death rates, we conclude that the rallies likely led to more than 700 deaths (not necessarily among attendees).

Table 2 contains results for 24 variants of our base-case method. As indicated in the first column, we vary the number of weekly lags of cases per capita (5 and 10) used to match counties, the inclusion of demographic variables in the calculation of the similarity index (yes or no), the weighting across weekly lags of cases per capita, and the number of matched counties (100 and 200).


というBIS論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The banking crisis in Ireland」で、著者は Patrizia Baudino(BIS)、Diarmuid Murphy(アイルランド中銀)、Jean-Philippe Svoronos(BIS)。

This paper covers the banking crisis in Ireland that started in 2008, which stemmed from a combination of macroeconomic developments, risky bank practices and unsustainable fiscal policies. In line with the scope of this series, the paper focuses on the policy response. This involved the restructuring of the banking sector, requiring measures to restore bank capital, address asset quality issues and ensure the provision of funding. Several rounds of stress tests, deleveraging plans and the provision of central bank liquidity, as well as the creation of an asset management company, were among the key measures put in place. The Irish banking crisis offers important lessons. One is the need to recognise the limits of emergency liquidity assistance and the boundary between such assistance and fiscal support. Others concern bank restructuring and the best modalities for it. Finally, some legacy issues remain, for instance those related to the remaining stock of non-performing assets.

Executive summaryや本文では、銀行部門のリストラの際に望みの無い銀行は切り捨てるべき、ということが示唆されている。具体的には、緊急的な流動性支援(ELA)を銀行清算の代わりにすべきではなく、それは存続可能な銀行に予め決められた短期間だけ提供すべき、とのことである。また、望みの無い銀行に財政支援を注ぎ込むと国と銀行が共倒れとなる危険性のある泥沼(sovereign-bank loop)にはまり込むことになり、それはEUやECBやIMFなど外部からの助けなしには抜け出すのが難しい、とも指摘している。

*1:BISのFinancial Stability InstituteのFSI Crisis Management Series。


という論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Not an ordinary bank but a great engine of state: The Bank of England and the British economy, 1694-1844」で、著者はPatrick K. O’Brien(LSE)、Nuno Palma(マンチェスター大)。

From its foundation as a private corporation in 1694 the Bank of England extended large amounts of credit to support the British private economy and to support an increasingly centralized British state. The Bank helped the British state reach a position of geopolitical and economic hegemony in the international economic order. In this paper, we deploy recalibrated financial data to analyse an evolving trajectory of connections between the British economy, the state, and the Bank of England. We show how these connections contributed to form an effective and efficient fiscal-naval state and promoted the development of a system of financial intermediation for the economy. This symbiotic relationship became stronger after 1793. The evidence that we consider here shows that although the Bank was nominally a private institution and profits were paid to its shareholders, it was playing a public role well before Bagehot’s doctrine.