Joao, Guerreiro の検索結果:

なぜ労働者はインフレを嫌うのか? 賃金の目減りと紛争コスト

…osts」で、著者はJoao Guerreiro(UCLA)、Jonathon Hazell(LSE)、Chen Lian(UCバークレー)、Christina Patterson(シカゴ大)。 以下はその結論部。 Why do workers dislike inflation so much? We show that “conflict costs” play a significant role: workers must incur these costs to h…


…ence」で、著者はJoao Guerreiro(UCLA)、Sergio Rebelo(ノースウエスタン大)、Pedro Teles(ポルトガル銀行)。 以下はその要旨。 We consider an environment in which there is substantial uncertainty about the potential negative external effects of AI algorithms. We find that subject…


…ichenbaum、Joao Guerreiro(いずれもノースウエスタン大)。以下はその要旨。 We address the question of how sensitive is the power of fiscal policy in the ZLB to the assumption of rational expectations. We do so through the lens of a standard NK model in which people …