
という、現在日本のネットで騒ぎになっている問題に照らすとタイムリーとも言えるNBER論文が上がっている9月時点のWP)。原題は「Detecting Fraud in Development Aid」で、著者はJean Ensminger(カリフォルニア工科大)、Jetson Leder-Luis(ボストン大)。

When organizations have limited accountability, antifraud measures, including auditing, often face barriers due to institutional resistance and practical difficulties on the ground. This is especially true in development aid, where aid organizations face incentives to suppress information about misappropriated funds and may operate with limited transparency. We develop new statistical tests to uncover strategic data manipulation consistent with fraud. These tests help identify falsified expense reports and facilitate monitoring in difficult-to-audit circumstances, relying only on mandated reporting of data. While the digits of naturally occurring data follow the Benford’s Law distribution, humanly-produced data instead reflect behavioral biases and incentives to misreport. Our new tests improve upon existing Benford’s Law tests by being sensitive to the value of digits reported, which distinguishes between intent to defraud and error, and by improving statistical power to allow for finer partitioning of the data.
We apply this method to a World Bank development project in Kenya. Our evidence is consistent with higher levels of fraud in harder to monitor sectors and in a Kenyan election year when graft also had political value. The results are validated by qualitative data and a forensic audit conducted by the World Bank. We produce simulations that demonstrate the superiority of our new tests to the standards in the field. Our tests are useful beyond development aid, including for monitoring corporate accounting and government expenditures.

...the existing Benford’s Law literature has focused on aberrant patterns, but has limited capacity to distinguish between strategic misreporting, which seeks to gain profit for the fraudster and subvert detection, and benign misreporting or error. This issue is driven by the fact that Benford’s Law predicts digit distributions from the front of the number (e.g., first digit, second digit), irrespective of the number’s value (i.e., one thousand versus one hundred thousand). Basic tests of conformance to Benford’s law are not sensitive to the value of the digit being manipulated. Our test considers the value of the number and allows us to distinguish patterns consistent with profitable misreporting.

...we expand the statistical power of Benford’s Law goodness of fit testing by considering all digit places in one test, rather than just one or two digit places, as is the norm in previous literature. By improving statistical power, we allow for additional disaggregation and triangulation of data categories, which is crucial to pinpointing fraud.