
昨日エントリで紹介したワルドマンの考察に内容的に近い表題のNBER論文をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。論文の原題は「…and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns」で*1、著者はCampbell R. Harvey(デューク大)、Yan Liu(テキサスA&M大)、Heqing Zhu(オクラホマ大)。

At least 316 factors have been tested to explain the cross-section of expected returns. Most of these factors have been proposed over the last ten years. Indeed, Cochrane (2011) refers to this as “a zoo of new factors”. Our paper argues that it is a serious mistake to use the usual statistical significance cutoffs (e.g., a t-ratio exceeding 2.0) in asset pricing tests. Given the plethora of factors and the inevitable data mining, many of the historically discovered factors would be deemed “significant” by chance.
Our paper presents three conventional multiple testing frameworks and proposes a new one that particularly suits research in financial economics. While these frameworks differ in their assumptions, they are consistent in their conclusions. We argue that a newly discovered factor today should have a t-ratio that exceeds 3.0. We provide a time-series of recommended “cutoffs” from the first empirical test in 1967 through to present day. Many published factors fail to exceed our recommended cutoffs.
While a ratio of 3.0 (which corresponds to a p-value of 0.27%) seems like a very high hurdle, we also argue that there are good reasons to expect that 3.0 is too low. First, we only count factors that are published in prominent journals and we sample only a small fraction of the working papers. Second, there are surely many factors that were tried by empiricists, failed, and never made it to publication or even a working paper. Indeed, the culture in financial economics is to focus on the discovery of new factors. In contrast to other fields such as medical science, it is rare to publish replication studies of existing factors. Given that our count of 316 tested factors is surely too low, this means the t-ratio cutoff is likely even higher.




*3:原注:In astronomy and physics, even higher threshold t-ratios are often used to control for testing multiplicity. For instance, the high profile discovery of Higgs Boson has a t-ratio of more than 5 (p-value less than 0.0001%). See ATLAS Collaboration (2012), CMS Collaboration (2012), and Harvey and Liu (2014c).
天文学や物理学では、多重性の検定のコントロールのために、さらに大きなt値の閾値が使われることが多い。例えば、有名なヒッグスボソンの発見の際にはt値は5を超えた(p値は0.0001%未満)。ATLAS共同研究(2012)(訳注:ここ)、CMS共同研究(2012)(訳注:ここ)、Harvey and Liu (2014c)(訳注:ここ)参照。