というIMF論文をスティグリッツらが上げている(H/T Mostly Economics)。原題は「Technological Progress, Artificial Intelligence, and Inclusive Growth」で、著者はAnton Korinek(バージニア大)、Martin Schindler(IMF)、Joseph Stiglitz(コロンビア大)。
Advances in AI and related technologies may, like the Industrial Revolution, represent a critical turning point in history. Increasing automation in manufacturing may lead to increases in wage inequality, declining labor demand, and increased skill premia in most countries; as well as to the demise of the manufacturing-export-led developmental model, which has historically had profound positive effects on many emerging market economies. The worst-case scenario is the unravelling of much of the gains in development and poverty reduction that could be observed over the last half century.
While earlier technological advances were associated with more shared prosperity and increasing equality between and within countries, the new advances may result in increasing inequality along both dimensions unless policies are designed to counterbalance them.
The new era will be governed by different rules and will require a different kind of economic analysis. Just as the production functions that Ricardo used to analyze agrarian and rural economies are very different from those in the models of a manufacturing economy that dominated the mid-20th century, current economic frameworks must be adjusted and updated to think about the models that will describe the next 50 years. For instance, the competitive equilibrium model may be even less relevant to the 21st century AI economy than it was to the 20th century manufacturing economy.
There is a particular high degree of uncertainty across the possible scenarios of technological development and their impact, but what we do know is that there are large potential downside risks that should not be ignored. Economic analysis, based on models appropriate to this new era, has the potential to help in the development of policies—both at the global and national level—that can mitigate these adverse effects, to ensure that this new era of innovation will lead to increased standards of living for all, including the billions living in developing countries.