
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版、cf. 昨夏のunrepresentative agentさんの紹介)。原題は「Demographic Origins of the Startup Deficit」で、著者はFatih Karahan(NY連銀)、Benjamin Pugsley(ノートルダム大)、Ayşegül Şahin(テキサス大オースティン校)。

We propose a simple explanation for the long-run decline in the startup rate. It was caused by a slowdown in labor supply growth since the late 1970s, largely pre-determined by demographics. This channel explains roughly two-thirds of the decline and why incumbent firm survival and average growth over the lifecycle have been little changed. We show these results in a standard model of firm dynamics and test the mechanism using shocks to labor supply growth across states. Finally, we show that a longer startup rate series imputed using historical establishment tabulations rises over the 1960-70s period of accelerating labor force growth.