
というNBER論文をマイケル・ウッドフォードらが書いている昨年9月時点のWP)。原題は「Information Costs and Sequential Information Sampling」で、著者はBenjamin Hébert(スタンフォード大)、Michael Woodford(コロンビア大)。

We propose a new approach to modeling the cost of information structures in rational inattention problems, the "neighborhood-based" cost functions. These cost functions have two properties that we view as desirable: they summarize the results of a sequential evidence accumulation problem, and they capture notions of "perceptual distance." The first of these properties is connected to an extensive literature in psychology and neuroscience, and the second ensures that neighborhood-based cost functions, unlike mutual information, make accurate predictions about behavior in perceptual experiments. We compare the implications of our neighborhood-based cost functions with those of a mutual-information cost function in a series of applications: security design, global games, modeling perceptual judgments, and a linear-quadratic-Gaussian tracking problem.


In Sims’ theory, the cost of an arbitrary information structure is proportional to the Shannon mutual information between the true state of the world and the information state available to the DM.
It is not obvious, though, that the theorems that justify the use of mutual information in communications engineering (Cover and Thomas (2012)) provide any warrant for using it as a cost function in a theory of attention allocation, either in the case of economic decisions or that of perceptual judgments.
しかし、コミュニケーション工学において相互情報量の使用を正当化する定理(Cover=Thomas (2012)*5)が、経済的意思決定にしろ知覚判断にしろ、注意割当理論における費用関数としてそれを用いることについて何らかの保証を提供するかどうかは明らかではない。

*1:cf. ここで紹介したウッドフォード論文。

*2:cf. 相互情報量 - Wikipedia

*3:cf. Global game - Wikipedia

*4:cf. ここ


情報理論 -基礎と広がり-

情報理論 -基礎と広がり-