前回エントリで紹介したA Fine Theoremエントリは、今回のジョン・ベイツ・クラーク賞を以下のように位置付けている。
This award strikes me as the last remaining award, at least in the near term, from the matching/market design boom of the past 20 years. As Becker took economics out of pure market transactions and into a wider world of rational choice under constraints, the work of Al Roth and his descendants, including Parag Pathak, has greatly expanded our ability to take advantage of choice and local knowledge in situations like education and health where, for many reasons, we do not use the price mechanism. That said, there remains quite a bit to do on understanding how to get the benefits of decentralization without price – I am deeply interested in this question when it comes to innovation policy – and I don’t doubt that two decades from now, continued inquiry along these lines will have fruitfully exploited the methods and careful technique that Parag Pathak embodies.
One final note, and this in no way takes away from how deserving Pathak and other recent winners have been. Yet: I would be remiss if I didn’t point out, again, how unusually “micro” the Clark medal has been of late. There literally has not been a pure macroeconomist or econometrician – two of the three “core” fields of economics – since 1999, and only Donaldson and Acemoglu are even arguably close. Though the prize has gone to three straight winners with a theoretical bent, at least in part, the prize is still not reflecting our field as a whole. Nothing for Emi Nakamura, or Victor Chernozhukov, or Emmanuel Farhi, or Ivan Werning, or Amir Sufi, or Chad Syverson, or Marc Melitz? These folks are incredibly influential on our field as a whole, and the Clark medal is failing to reflect the totality of what economists actually do.
最後に一言。パサクをはじめとした最近の受賞者は十分に賞に値する仕事をしており、それを貶めるものでは決してないが、このところのクラーク賞が「ミクロ」に偏っていることは再度指摘しておかねばなるまい。1999年以降、経済学の3つの「中核」分野のうちの2つである純粋なマクロ経済学と計量経済学の学者は事実上受賞していない。それにまあ近いと言えるのはドナルドソンとアセモグルだけである。少なくとも部分的には理論派の学者が3人連続で受賞したが、経済学全体を反映しているとはまだ言えない。エミ・ナカムラ、ビクター・チェルノズコフ、エマニュエル・ファーリ、イワン・ワーニング、アミール・スフィ、チャド・シバーソン、マーク・メリッツが受賞していない? これらの学者は経済学全体に非常に大きな影響を及ぼしており、クラーク賞は経済学者の実際の動向を完全には反映していない。