Parag Pathakの業績

2018年のジョン・ベイツ・クラーク賞を受賞したParag Pathakの業績をA Fine Theoremが紹介している。以下はそこからの抜粋引用。

Pathak is best known for his work on the nature and effects of how students are allocated to schools. ...
...The Boston mechanism was replaced by the Gale-Shapley mechanism, which has the property that it is never optimal for a parent to misrepresent preferences. In theory, not only is this more efficient but it is also fairer.... And this is precisely what Pathak and Sonmez show in a theoretical model...
Pathak’s methodological approach is refreshing. He has a theorist’s toolkit and an empiricist’s interest in policy. ...
Indeed, reading through Pathak’s papers this afternoon, I find myself struck by how empirical his approach has become over time: if a given question requires the full arsenal of choice, he deploys it, and if it is unnecessary, he estimates things in a completely reduced form way. Going beyond the reduced form often produces striking results. ...Peng Shi and Pathak also do back-testing on their theory-based discrete-choice predictions... If we are going to deploy serious theoretical methods to applied questions, rather than just to thought experiments, this type of rigorous combination of theory, design-based empirics, and back-testing is essential.
In addition to his education research, Pathak has also contributed, alongside Fuhito Kojima, to the literature on large matching markets. ...