
Mostly Economicsが「Economics Doctoral Programs Still Elide Entrepreneurship」という論文紹介している。著者はDan Johansson(エレブルー大学)、Arvid Malm(王立工科大学)(いずれもスウェーデン)。
以下はMostly Economicsが引用した論文の結論部の孫引き。

Coverage of entrepreneurship is rare in textbooks and articles that are used in core doctoral courses in economics. When used, the concept is generally not given a clear definition that is grounded in established definitions, such as the entrepreneur’s role in creatively introducing new combinations of factors of production (Schumpeter), discovering opportunities (Kirzner), or bearing uncertainty (Knight). We also conclude that the Schumpeterian division of the economic development process into invention and innovation is not used in core economics textbooks. While innovation is occasionally discussed, invention is not. When entrepreneurship is omitted, not differentiating between the two is logical. The entrepreneur is the link between a novel idea (invention) and its commercialization (innovation), and clarifying a distinction between these activities is difficult if the entrepreneurial function is absent. Neglect of entrepreneurship partly explains the strong emphasis on research and development as the primary determinant of
growth in growth modeling.
In response to our analysis it might be argued that textbooks in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and industrial organization are not the occasion for rich learning about economic processes that lie outside of the optimizing-agent approach. But we have also examined assigned articles, and again mention of entrepreneurship is scant.
In their quest for economic insight, doctoral students interested in the causes of economic development may look beyond their university training. A little entrepreneurship can make a world of difference.