について論じたNBER論文が上がっている。論文のタイトルは「The Lerner Symmetry Theorem: Generalizations and Qualifications」で、著者はMITのArnaud CostinotとIván Werning。
The Lerner symmetry theorem is a result used in international trade theory, which states that, based on an assumption of a zero balance of trade (that is, the value of exported goods equals the value of imported goods for a given country), an ad valorem import tariff (a percentage of value or an amount per unit) will have the same effects as an export tax. The theorem is based on the observation that the effect on relative prices is the same regardless of which policy (ad valorem tariffs or export taxes) is applied.
The Lerner Symmetry Theorem (Lerner, 1936) establishes the equivalence between import tariffs and export taxes in a simple neoclassical economy with two countries, two final goods, and no trade costs. In this paper we provide a number of generalizations and qualifications of this well-known result. Among other things, we show that the absence of trade deficits is neither necessary nor sufficient for Lerner Symmetry to hold. We conclude by discussing its implications for border tax adjustments.