
と題したブログエントリで、クルーグマンがトランプを痛罵している。原題は「The Sorrow and the Pity」だが、ぐぐってみると元ネタはヴィシー政権下のフランスをインタビューで浮き彫りにしたマルセル・オフュルスドキュメンタリー映画のタイトルらしい(The Sorrow and the Pity - Wikipedia)。

A lot of people in politics and the media are scrambling to normalize what just happened to us, saying that it will all be OK and we can work with Trump. No, it won’t, and no, we can’t. The next occupant of the White House will be a pathological liar with a loose grip on reality; he is already surrounding himself with racists, anti-Semites, and conspiracy theorists; his administration will be the most corrupt in America history.
How did this happen? There were multiple causes, but you just can’t ignore the reality that key institutions and their leaders utterly failed. Every news organization that decided, for the sake of ratings, to ignore policy and barely cover Trump scandals while obsessing over Clinton emails, every reporter who, for whatever reason — often sheer pettiness — played up Wikileaks nonsense and talked about how various Clinton stuff “raised questions” and “cast shadows” is complicit in this disaster. And then there’s the FBI: it’s quite reasonable to argue that James Comey, whether it was careerism, cowardice, or something worse, tipped the scales and may have doomed the world.
No, I’m not giving up hope. Maybe, just maybe, the sheer awfulness of what’s happening will sink in. Maybe the backlash will be big enough to constrain Trump from destroying democracy in the next few months, and/or sweep his gang from power in the next few years. But if that’s going to happen, enough people will have to be true patriots, which means taking a stand.
And anyone who doesn’t — who plays along and plays it safe — is betraying America, and mankind.
どうしてこうなった? 理由はあれこれあるが、重要な組織とその指導者たちが完全に失敗した、という現実は兎にも角にも無視できない。視聴率のために、規定を無視し、クリントンのeメール問題を執念深く追う一方でトランプのスキャンダルはほとんどカバーしないという決断を下したすべてのマスコミ。理由は何であれ――単なる下世話趣味が理由の場合が多かったが――ウィキリークスのナンセンスを大袈裟に取り上げ、「疑問が持ち上がったり」「影を投げ掛けたり」したクリントン陣営の様々なスタッフがいかにこの厄介な件に関わっているかについて語ったすべての記者。それからFBIだ。ジェームズ・コミーが、出世主義のためか怖気を震ったためか、あるいはもっと良からぬことのためか、片方に肩入れして世界を破滅に追いやった、と考えるのは極めて理に適っている。