Economist's Viewも取り上げているが、5日エントリで紹介したブランシャールの論考にサイモン・レンールイスが反応している。そこで彼は、ブランシャールの書いた
For conditional forecasting, i.e. to look for example at the effects of changes in policy, more structural models are needed, but they must fit the data closely and do not need to be religious about micro foundations.
It is not only academics who think policy has to be done using microfounded models. The core model used by the Bank of England is a microfounded DSGE model. So even in this policy making institution, their core model does not conform to Blanchard’s prescription. (Yes, I know they have lots of other models, but still. The Fed is closer to Blanchard than the Bank.)
A specific example that is likely to be critical to the impact of a temporary income tax cut is how the consumption function treats income discounting. If future income is discounted at the rate of interest, we get Ricardian Equivalence. Yet this same theory tells us that the marginal propensity to consume (mpc) out of windfall gains in income is very small, and yet there is a great deal of evidence to suggest the mpc lies somewhere around a third or more. ...DSGE models can try and capture this by assuming a proportion of ‘income constrained’ consumers, but is that all that is going on? Another explanation is that unconstrained consumers discount future labour income at a much greater rate than the rate of interest. This could be because of income uncertainty and precautionary savings, but these are difficult to microfound, so DSGE models typically ignore this.
The Fed model does not. To quote: “future labor and transfer income is discounted at a rate substantially higher than the discount rate on future income from non-human wealth, reflecting uninsurable individual income risk.” My own SEM that I built 20+ years ago, Compact, did something similar. My colleague, John Muellbauer, has persistently pursued estimating consumption functions that use an eclectic mix of data and theory, and as a result has been incorporating the impact of financial frictions in his work long before it became fashionable.
So I suspect the Fed uses a SEM rather than a DSGE model not because they are old fashioned and out of date, but because they find it more useful. (Actually this is a little more than a suspicion.) Now that does not mean that academics should be using models of this type, but it should at least give pause to those academics who continue to suggest that SEMs are a thing of the past.
一時的な所得減税の影響を大きく左右するであろう具体事項は、消費関数が所得の割引をどのように扱うか、である。もし将来の所得が金利で割り引かれるならば、我々はリカードの等価性を手にする。そしてその理論が我々に伝えるところによると、棚ぼた的な所得の利益についての限界消費性向は非常に小さい。だが、その場合の限界消費性向は約1/3ないしそれ以上ということを示す実証結果が数多く存在する。・・・DSGEモデルは、「所得に制約のある」消費者が一定割合存在すると仮定してこのことを説明しようとしているが、それがすべてだろうか? もう一つの説明は、制約のない消費者が将来の労働所得を金利よりもかなり高い率で割り引いている、というものである。その高い割引率は所得の不確実性と予備的貯蓄のせいという可能性があるが、その話にミクロ的基礎付けを与えるのは難しく、そのためDSGEモデルは通常これを無視する。
FRBモデルはそうではない。引用すると、「将来の労働と移転の所得は、非人的資産からの将来の所得についての割引率よりもかなり高い率で割り引かれる。これは、保険不可能な個別の所得リスクを反映したものである。」 私が二十数年前に構築した構造計量経済モデルであるCompact*2でも、同様のことを行った。私の同僚であるジョン・ミューエルバウアーは、データと理論の折衷案的な消費関数の推計を一貫して追求してきたが、その結果、金融摩擦の影響をそれが流行りになる遥か前に研究に取り入れていた。