一昨日、昨日と、Angus Deatonの共著論文、およびラインハート=ロゴフを槍玉に挙げたMichael Ashの批判が、計量経済学に関する曖昧な知識に基づいていたことを紹介した。では、2年前に吹き荒れたラインハート=ロゴフへのバッシングは、きちんとした根拠を欠いた、単なる魔女狩りに過ぎなかったのであろうか? そして、DeatonのEconbrowserゲストエントリは、その魔女狩りの扇動者のやり口を暴いた行為として人々にもっと知られるべきものなのであろうか?
I do agree that one can have legitimate disagreements over weighting techniques used in regressions. It sounds like the academic community eventually agreed with your weighting scheme rather than Prof. Ash’s. But that does not mean the R-R weighting technique should be off limits to critics. It was afterall a rather insane weighting technique. Giving a fixed effect based on 19 observations the same weight as a fixed effect based on one observation is just silly. And even in their revised work the weighting scheme is crazy. Apparently the US of 1800 is more like the US of today than is any of today’s OECD countries. That’s nuts.
Also, notice that R-R did not handle the situation in the way that you did. The original R-R paper said one thing and got a lot of attention. A later (error corrected) paper said something a little different. I think most people would expect some kind of explanation and not just a revised paper with different numbers as though the first paper never happened. It sounds like you at least acknowledged a small error in your original paper and successfully explained why it did not upset your original results. About a year ago I presented a draft paper to a symposium. Further research caused me to revise (in some cases significantly) some of the conclusions as I refined my methodology and yes, caught a few dumbass errors. But I also felt it was important to point out and explain the differences between the draft version and the final published version. I don’t think we got that from R-R.
Going back to Prof. Deaton’s piece about Prof. Ash not adhering to a certain academic code of conduct, I think Prof. Deaton likely has a point in his particular experience. Afterall, that was literally an academic fight. But I don’t think that carries over to the R-R/HAP debate. Remember, the R-R paper was not peer-reviewed. The only reason it even got published in the AER is because of their sterling reputation. Then R-R moved out of the ivy walls and ivory towers and entered the realm of public intellectual. They testified before Congress, knowing full well how their paper was being (ab)used. They wrote op-ed pieces. The went on the talk show circuit. Once they entered the world of public intellectual they forfeited the right to expect the kind of kid glove treatment they enjoyed in academia. When the topic becomes central to a lively public policy debate you are no longer entitled to quiet behind-the-ivy discussions between academics: Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Sometimes ugly fights have redeeming but unintended consequences. And the R-R fight is one of those cases. The basic R-R claim that debt hurts growth was largely unchallenged for 3 years. Then along came the HAP paper and within a month the scales fell from the eyes of many economists and we were subsequently treated to a plethora of excellent papers going far beyond the HAP critique. So even if you thought the HAP paper was an unfair hack job (I don’t), then you still have to admit that it spurred economists to really put the R-R paper under the microscope. And I think it was these further critiques that really buried the R-R thesis and not the HAP paper. So maybe academic advances resemble sausage making…not always pretty.
I don’t think the R-R paper fell into the dustbin of economic analysis solely because of the Left’s embrace of the HAP paper. The HAP paper really prompted a lot of economists who had previously accepted R-R’s finds (e.g., Miles Kimball) to take a second look. And it was those follow-on papers that really crippled the R-R thesis. Way back in college I took a course on the Faust tradition in Western literature. One of the recurring Faust themes was that of Mephistopheles as a “pike in a carp pond.” There was an old belief that activity and movement improved the taste of European Carp (considered a delicacy), so it was common to throw in a pike (considered a garbage fish) into the pond to keep the otherwise slothful carp active. I see the HAP paper as a pike that wakened the economics community from intellectual laziness. So I guess in that sense R-R are right to complain about “carping” critics.
There was no coding error, but we had chosen weights that downplayed the larger cities and states compared with the weights that Ash and Robinson had chosen. And it turns out that except for one case (in one specification in one data period and with only one of their alternative weighting schemes) all of our results are unaffected by the change in weights.