

  • リンクされたヤニス・パレオロゴス(カティメリニ紙記者*1)のPolitico論説は「Beware of American econ professors! How Krugman, Sachs and Stiglitz led the Greeks astray.(米国経済学教授連にご注意! いかにクルーグマン、サックス、そしてスティグリッツギリシャを迷わせたか)」と題されており、該当論説を紹介した同氏のツイートは「米国経済学部のスーパースター達がいかにギリシャの気違い染みた行為に口実を与えたかについての私の論説」となっている。


Krugman, in a visit to Athens in April, said that structural reform did not really matter much for future growth. After the referendum was called, he urged Greeks to vote No, arguing that, especially after the imposition of capital controls, things couldn’t get much worse, and would probably get better, with a new currency Stiglitz also nudged Greeks in the direction of No, and Grexit.
They should have the honesty to admit that in the hands of such men, an exit from the euro, which Greeks never voted for anyway, either in January or in July, would have been an unmitigated catastrophe, dwarfing the costs even of the bad deal struck on July 13. And they should know by now that the best hope of building the institutions capable of supporting long-term growth in Greece lies within the eurozone, not in the desperate disorder that would sweep the country outside it.

*1:cf. 同氏の著書を取り上げたFT記事の翻訳