
EH.netに下記の本の書評が掲載されている(H/T Mostly Economics)。評者はトロイ大学のDaniel J. Smith

Monetary Policy and the Onset of the Great Depression: The Myth of Benjamin Strong as Decisive Leader

Monetary Policy and the Onset of the Great Depression: The Myth of Benjamin Strong as Decisive Leader


In questioning the Strong decisive leader theory — the theory that Benjamin Strong played a decisive role in the monetary policies of the 1920’s as the President of the influential New York Federal Reserve Bank and that his untimely death ultimately led to the wrong-headed policies that brought on the Great Depression — Toma does not stand alone. Temin (1989, 35), Wheelock (1992), and Brunner and Meltzer (1968) all question the strong leader hypothesis. However, Toma discredits each of their theories and forges a completely new explanation for why Strong’s leadership was not a decisive factor. Toma makes the case that the Fed operated as a self-regulating, decentralized system. According to Toma, this system operated effectively as intended, so the credit for Friedman and Schwartz’s (1963, Ch. 6) description of the 1921-1929 Fed era as the “high tide” of the Fed system should go to the founders of the Fed, not Benjamin Strong.

この書評は全般に批判的に書かれており、この本は、金融政策を引き締め過ぎた(マネタリストの解釈)ないし緩めすぎた(オーストリア学派の解釈)という大恐慌の原因に関する通説を打破することを狙いとしているが、その際にフリードマン=シュワルツやマレー・ロスバード(「America's Great Depression」)を対象にしており、その後の研究を踏まえていない、と指摘している。また、FRBも言うほど自律的ではなかったのではないか、という疑問も呈している。


Lessons from the Great Depression (Lionel Robbins Lectures) (English Edition)

Lessons from the Great Depression (Lionel Robbins Lectures) (English Edition)

