
最近ボルドーのNBER論文をそれなりのペースで紹介しているような気がするが(直近はここ)、以下はMichael D. Bordo(ラトガーズ大)とPierre Siklos(ウィルフリッド・ローリエ大学)によるNBER論文「Central Bank Credibility: An Historical and Quantitative Exploration」(昨年のAEA発表版スライド版)の要旨。

In this paper we provide empirical measures of central bank credibility and augment these with historical narratives from eleven countries. To the extent we are able to apply reliable institutional information we can also indirectly assess their role in influencing the credibility of the monetary authority. We focus on measures of inflation expectations, the mean reversion properties of inflation, and indicators of exchange rate risk. In addition we place some emphasis on whether credibility is particularly vulnerable during financial crises, whether its evolution is a function of the type of crisis or its kind (i.e., currency, banking, sovereign debt crises). We find credibility changes over time are frequent and can be significant. Nevertheless, no robust empirical connection between the size of an economic shock (e.g., the Great Depression) and loss of credibility is found. Second, the frequency with which the world economy experiences economic and financial crises, institutional factors (i.e., the quality of governance) plays an important role in preventing a loss of credibility. Third, credibility shocks are dependent on the type of monetary policy regime in place. Finally, credibility is most affected by whether the shock can be associated with policy errors.

*1:NBER論文では「a function of the type of crisis or its kind」となっているが、AEA版では「a function of the severity of the crisis or its kind」となっていたので、ここでは前者はtypoと見做した。