

I would like to distinguish between the cyclical visibility of fraud and its actual cyclicality. Fraud is exposed in the crash, but did it peak just prior to it and cause it to happen? The general opinion, and this includes Veblen-Minsky, is yes. Booms become frothy, and froth foments fraud. Perhaps. But I suspect the conditions conducive to financial fraud are always in place, and much of the fluctuation is about what we see, not what there is.
When the dotcom bubble collapsed at the beginning of the 00's we witnessed an epidemic of accounting fraud. Remember Enron, Global Crossing and Arthur Andersen for starters. The CDO deceptions of the mid-decade were exposed by the financial crisis of 2008. No doubt accounting and rating standards deteriorated during the bubble years, but this is not to say they weren’t widespread all along. Part of what changed is that the popping of the bubble removed the buffers that normally allow a bending and stretching of the numbers.
I doubt that this is a culture-bound hypothesis, true for the US but not, say, China. The extraordinary Chinese investment-led boom of the past twenty years can obscure a lot of malfeasance, but if and when the boom ends we’ll find out that much of the wealth creation was fictitious. Best-sellers will be written about brazen fraud in high places, as if this were unique to China and its final go-go years. But while it's much easier to call out corruption after the money train has stopped, this doesn't mean that an upsurge of corruption stopped the train.
詐欺が明らかになることの循環性と、詐欺の実際の循環性とは区別したい。詐欺は経済が破綻した時に明るみに出るが、その直前に頂点に達し、経済の破綻をもたらすのか? ヴェブレンやミンスキーを含め、そうだ、というのが一般的な見方となっている。好況でバブルが沸々と生じ、バブルが詐欺を助長する、という見方だ。あるいはそうかもしれない。しかし私は、金融詐欺を生み出す土壌は常に存在し、その変動の大部分は我々の目に触れるかどうかの問題で、実際に存在するか否かの問題ではない、と考えている。