23日のエントリでは春の「Brookings Panel on Economic Activity」で提示されたクルーガーらの論文を紹介したが、同パネルで話題になったのはジョシュア・ハウスマン(Joshua K. Hausman)とヨハネス・ウィーランド(Johannes F. Wieland)によるアベノミクスの評価論文である(e.g. デビッド・ベックワースの反応[邦訳])。
I find myself with a considerably more optimistic assessment of Abenomics, in large part because I place more weight on the stock market relative to expectations of output growth. Expectations of future output growth are not assessments of the effects of Abenomics: they are, rather, assessments of economists’ forecasts of what the effects of Abenomics will be. The stock market increase, by contrast, is both an assessment of forecasts of what the effects of Abenomics will be–by people who, unlike economists, are putting their directly money on the line–and also something that changes the incentives that businesses have to invest and expand. The stock market along with expectations of future inflation is evidence of how Abenomics is working to some extent. Economists’ forecasts are not.
It would be very very nice if it did work.