昨日のエントリでリンクしたRobert Littermanによるファーマインタビューから、ファーマが市場の効率性と株価の予測可能性について語った部分を引用しておく*1。
Market efficiency says that prices reflect all available information and thus provide accurate signals for allocating resources to their most productive uses. This is the fundamental principle of capitalism. To test market efficiency, however, we need a model that describes what the market is trying to do in setting prices. More specifically, we need to specify the equilibrium relation between risk and expected return that drives prices. The reverse is also true: Almost all asset pricing models assume that markets are efficient. So, while some researchers talk about testing asset pricing models and others talk about testing market efficiency, both involve jointly testing a proposition about equilibrium risk pricing and market efficiency. The two concepts can never be separated.
As the market efficiency ideas took shape, it dawned on me that the reason the trading rules I’d developed earlier didn’t work out of sample was because price changes were random, which at that point was what people thought an efficient market meant. We know now it doesn’t. Market efficiency means that deviations from equilibrium expected returns are unpredictable based on currently available information. But equilibrium expected returns can vary through time in a predictable way, which means price changes need not be entirely random.