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昨日のエントリで取り上げたFT Alphaville記事が時間軸政策の関連記事としてGavyn Daviesにリンクしていた。DaviesもBuiterと同様、現在のFRBの時間軸政策には懐疑的であり、特に今回の量的緩和縮小見送りを批判している。

The Fed’s leadership no doubt believes that it has not misled anyone, and certainly its actions last week can be made to appear consistent with the precise language of its previous statements. In June, the Chairman clearly said that “our policy is in no way predertermined”, and “reductions in the pace of purchases could be delayed”. But that is not the impression he was seeking to give at the time. He cannot have it both ways: either he is giving meaningful forward guidance, or he is not.

People should not need a PhD in linguistics to understand what the Fed is saying. In a previous era, the Fed announced absolutely nothing after meetings of the FOMC, and Chairman Greenspan told a Congressional committee that “if I turn out to be particularly clear, you’ve probably misunderstood what I’ve said”. This policy of deliberate misguidance has now been replaced by a policy of “over-guidance”. The more we say, the more they will have to believe us, is the new mantra.

Neither extreme seems optimal. The next Chairman of the Fed needs to reconsider the current approach, which is to overcome the problem of time inconsistency by hemming itself in with an ever-growing number of apparently explicit commitments (though wriggle room is always left in the fine print). This may work for short periods, but it leads to a loss of credibility when the inevitable happens and some of these solemn commitments are jettisoned.

The credibility of the Fed is one of the most precious commodities which America possesses. Over time, breaking commitments is costly. If it insists on pursuing forward guidance, it could greatly simplify its message, along the following lines:

“We think that there is still a large margin of spare capacity in the economy, and currently we do not intend to raise short rates for several more years.”

It is very doubtful whether any central bank can usefully go much further than that.


