First, a Bayesian doesn’t need to stick with his or her priors, any more than any scientist needs to stick with his or her model. It’s fine—indeed, recommended—to abandon or alter a model that produces implications that don’t make sense (see my paper with Shalizi for a wordy discussion of this point). Second, the parallelism between “prior” and “data” isn’t quite appropriate. You need a model to link your data to your parameters of interest. It’s a common (and unfortunate) practice in statistics to forget about this model, but of course it could be wrong too. Economists know about this, they do lots of specification checks.
I very much respect the idea of data reduction and summarizing the information from any particular study without prejudice, but if I have to make a decision or a scientific inference, then I see no reason to rely on whatever small dataset happens to be in my viewer right now.
In that sense, I think it would be helpful to separate “the information in a dataset” from “one’s best inference after having seen the data.” If people want to give pure data summaries with no prior, that’s fine. But when they jump to making generalizable statements about the world, I don’t see it.
To put it another way: to the non-Bayesian, a Bayesian is someone who pollutes clean data with a subjective prior distribution. But, to the Bayesian, a classical statistician is someone who arbitrarily partitions all the available information into something called “the data” which can be analyzed and something called “prior information” which is off limits. Again, I see that this can be a useful principle for creating data summaries (each polling organization can report its own numbers based on its own data) but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me if the goal is decision making or scientific inference.