
と題したMRエントリで(原題は「Why are growth declines sharp and sudden?」)、タイラー・コーエンが「From Miracle to Maturity: The Growth of the Korean Economy (Harvard East Asian Monographs)」というアイケングリーンらの近刊本から以下の一節を引用している。

…these econometric studies imply that the decline in growth rates should be gradual, since convergence to high incomes is gradual. Actual experience, however, rarely displays such a smooth adjustment. More commonly there is a sharp drop to a new, lower growth rate, as noted above. In Japan the drop was probably precipitated by the OPEC oil price increases, given Japan’s heavy dependence on imported energy, and by the concurrent worldwide stagflation, particularly in Japan’s major export markets. In Korea, enormous chaebol-initiated investment projects artificially supported growth for a time but also laid the foundations for the financial crisis that precipitated the sharp decline in growth.

コーエンはここで提起された問題を、「マクロ経済学と経済成長理論で最も無視されてきた問題の一つ(one of the most neglected questions in macroeconomics and the theory of economic growth)」と呼び、なぜ成長率がそのように急激に低下するのか、そしてそれを逆転するのがなぜそれほど難しいのかを、我々は未だに良く分かっていない、と述べている。
