

Now keep in mind, this was back before the financial crisis, at the tail end of the unfortunately named "Great Moderation." When the big crisis happened, I quickly realized that nothing I had learned in my first-year course could help me explain what I was seeing on the news. Given my dim view of the standards of verification and usefulness to which the theories I knew had been subjected, I was not surprised.

Around that time, I started teaching undergrad macro (under Miles Kimball and others), and was instantly struck by the disconnect between what I was teaching and what I had learned. Intro macro had a lot of history. Explication was done with simple graphs rather than calculus of variations. And undergrad macro was all about demand - never once did I utter the words "technology shock" in class. We taught Keynes and Friedman. Minsky got a shout-out, and we spent a whole week on the fragility of the financial sector, in addition to the week we spent analyzing the 2008 crisis.

In other words, Brad DeLong would probably have approved of the macro course I taught. He would probably think that the bankers, consultants, managers, executives, accountants, and policy researchers who even now are going through life looking at the economy through the lens of that intro macro class have been reasonably well-served by their education.

But all the same, I absolutely don't blame the professor for teaching what he taught. Our curriculum was considered to be the state of the art by everyone who mattered. Without a thorough understanding of DSGE models and the like, a macroeconomist is severely disadvantaged in today's academic job market; if he had spent that semester teaching us Kindleberger and Bagehot and Minsky, our professor might have given us better ways to think about history, but he would have been effectively driving us out of the macroeconomics profession.

Thus, DeLong and Summers are right to point the finger at the economics field itself. Senior professors at economics departments around the country are the ones who give the nod to job candidates steeped in neoclassical models and DSGE math. The editors of Econometrica, the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the other top journals are the ones who publish paper after paper on these subjects, who accept "moment matching" as a standard of empirical verification, who approve of pages upon pages of math that tells "stories" instead of making quantitative predictions, etc. And the Nobel Prize committee is responsible for giving a (pseudo-)Nobel Prize to Ed Prescott for the RBC model, another to Robert Lucas for the Rational Expectations Hypothesis, and another to Friedrich Hayek for being a cranky econ blogger before it was popular.

If you want to change economics education, it is to these people that you must appeal. The ghost of Francis Bacon, unfortunately, is not available for comment.


その頃、私は(Miles Kimballらの下で)学部生にマクロ経済学を教えるようになっていた。そしてすぐさま、自分が教えていることと自分が学んだことの断絶に驚かされた。入門マクロ経済学には歴史がふんだんに盛り込まれていた。説明は、変数の微積分ではなく簡単なグラフを用いて丁寧になされた。そして、学部のマクロ経済学は、すべてが需要に関する話だった――授業で私が「技術的ショック」という言葉を発したことは一度も無い。我々はケインズフリードマンを教えた。またミンスキーも取り上げ、金融部門の脆弱さについて丸々一週間を費やした。それは、2008年の危機の分析に費やした週とはまた別に、である。





なお、追記でノアピニオン氏は、院の2年目で取ったマクロ経済学実地コース(field course)では、需要ベースのモデル、摩擦、不均一性といった興味深いことを多く学んだ、とフォローしている。それに対しデロングは、このエントリを紹介したブログエントリで、ミシガン大学の院の2年目のマクロ経済学実地コースは、(デロングの勤める)バークレーのものと同様、歴史や需要に関する内容が充実しているのだ、と注記している。


*2:このエントリの冒頭でノアピニオン氏はデロングの4/29付けProject Syndicate論説から引用しているが、その引用部は以下の通り:
For Summers, the problem is that there is so much that is “distracting, confusing, and problem-denying in…the first year course in most PhD programs.” As a result, even though “economics knows a fair amount,” it “has forgotten a fair amount that is relevant, and it has been distracted by an enormous amount.”...
The fact is that we need fewer efficient-markets theorists and more people who work on microstructure, limits to arbitrage, and cognitive biases. We need fewer equilibrium business-cycle theorists and more old-fashioned Keynesians and monetarists. We need more monetary historians and historians of economic thought and fewer model-builders. We need more Eichengreens, Shillers, Akerlofs, Reinharts, and Rogoffs – not to mention a Kindleberger, Minsky, or Bagehot.
Yet that is not what economics departments are saying nowadays.

*3:当初ここには実名が書かれていたが、その後、誤解を招くことを恐れて単に「the professor」に差し替えられている。