

スティーブ・ワルドマンのエントリの)コメント欄では、“評価の難しい産業では、最善を尽くして手に入れた情報だから価値がある、と内部者が思い込んでしまう傾向があるが、実際にはそうした情報のほとんどは、それに基づいて行動を起こすだけの価値が無い”という趣旨の長文のコメントが投稿され、ワルドマンは「excellent comment」と激賞している。そのコメンターは、自らの従軍経験からそうした考察を導き出したとの由。


But now let me get back to that concept of “actionable intelligence” because it’s just so fundamental to this discussion. Commanders have a certain freedom of maneuver and various possible courses of actions from which they must choose. The Intelligence collectors and analysts often have insanely gigantic amounts of the wrong information and never quite enough of the right information – the kind that makes it clear what to do right now. Think “Federal Reserve”.

All modern knowledge-research-analysis fields (of which Military Intelligence is one), have to come to terms with their peculiar limits of knowledge-acquisition. If you cannot test reality through market success, controlled experiments, or randomized clinical trials or other “gold-standard” investigations (for whatever reason; ethics, money, feasibility, etc…), then the pressure is to settle for silver and bronze and lesser-standard work that you *can* do. In Intelligence (and to a certain extent, in finance), it’s even worse, because you have a smart enemy, motivated because his very life is at stake in his efforts to try and conceal this information and even completely mislead you in a false direction.

The corrupting psychological temptation, however, is the tendency of researchers to unconsciously upgrade the value of the information they can produce because “it’s the best we can do” and it also reflects on the status and influence and reputation of your chosen field. Much “causal density” Social Science operates under these unjustified knowledge-acquisition-standard upgrade assumptions.

What you end up with are very weak relationships and correlations that only very slightly narrow down the enormous range of possibilities from which to choose. Knowing that your target lived in the Western half of a city of 400,000 last month is hardly better than knowing nothing at all if the only information that can be useful to you in terms of moving assets is knowing which block he’s in right now. The Intelligence Officer is often able to hand the Commander as much of this low-value information as he can possible stand, but even in sum it’s very rarely “actionable”.

But Commanders *want* to decide and act, an impulse and will to power instead of passive helplessness. It’s in their nature. And the urge is that “We can only make best decision we can with the information we have, and the information we have may be junk, but it’s the best we can do, so let’s use it.” The problem with this type of thinking, which seems reasonable on its surface, is that it creates a pretense of knowledge – a sense that one’s decision is justified when, in fact, it is not – and the pretense of knowledge leads to worse decisions than the admission and acceptance of one’s own ignorance, or even the pretense of ignorance.

It is now well known that Commanders will make better decisions not by desperate attempts to use the limited low-value knowledge they have, but by filtering and even disregarding all low-value knowledge as being essentially worthless and assuming instead that they have none. When you assume and accept your own ignorance in a scenario of great uncertainty, you shift your focus from forward movement to security – from concentrating on engaging in future risks, to concentrating on discovering and shoring up the vulnerabilities in one’s defenses against an unknown surprise attack. You seek to make your systems less brittle and more robust, while at the same time you reallocate your resources from trigger-pulling to information-collecting so that you can acquire the real, useful, high-value information “actionable intelligence” that you really need to make progress.

「それに基づいて行動を起こすだけの価値のある情報(actionable intelligence)」の概念に話を戻そう――これは今回の議論にとって基本となる話なので。司令官たちは作戦行動において一定の裁量を与えられており、様々な行動の選択肢が与えられている。情報収集者や分析者の手元には、極めて膨大な誤った情報と、決して十分な量に達することの無い正しい情報――今何をすべきか明らかにしてくれるような情報――とがある。FRBを思い浮かべて欲しい。


さらに研究者には、自分の生み出す情報の価値を無意識のうちに高めようとする悪しき心理的誘惑が存在する。それは、その情報が「我々に可能な最善の結果」であると同時に、その価値が自分の職の地位や影響力や評判に反映するからである。「因果関係の錯綜した(causal density)」事象を対象とする社会科学の多くでは、獲得した知識の水準に関して、そうした根拠の無い水増しが行われている。



限られた手持ちの低価値の知識をとにかく役立てようと試みずに、すべての低価値の情報を基本的に無価値のものとしてフィリタリングし、あまつさえ無視して、何も情報を持っていないという前提に立つことが、司令官たちにより良い決断をもたらす、ということは今や周知の事実である。不確実性の高いシナリオにおいて自らの無知を前提として受け入れた場合、前進行動よりは安全確保に重心を移すだろう。将来のリスクに取り組むことに傾注するのではなく、未知の奇襲攻撃に対する防備の欠点を発見し補強することに傾注するようになるだろう。自分のシステムの脆弱性を解消し頑健性を増強することに努めると同時に、投入資源を攻撃面から情報収集面にシフトさせ、本物の役に立つ高価値の情報、事態を進展させるのに是非とも必要な「それに基づいて行動を起こすだけの価値のある情報(actionable intelligence)」を獲得できるように努めるだろう。


It’s no wonder then that when the feedback-loop between operations and intelligence was broken in the months after the initial invasion (again, because we were lulled into complacency), we floundered in Iraq, and when General Petraeus painstakingly reestablished it (at high cost), the situation improved quickly and dramatically. As usual, in practically all the media stories, there was almost no account of the status of this critical element, and hence no accurate narrative of the reasons behind what was really going on. Neither the war’s boosters nor its detractors had any idea why things were progressing the way they were, and this is most evident in that both the initial failure and later success were almost complete surprises to everybody except the Soldiers actually losing, but then winning, the war. Soldiers don’t get much press though.


