シュピーゲル誌が表題のタイトルのもとで、下記の本の著者のアンドリュー・ロス・ソーキンのインタビューを掲載している(原題は「Interview with Andrew Ross Sorkin: 'Wall Street Bankers Are Not Pure Evil'」;Economist's View経由)。
リーマン・ショック・コンフィデンシャル(上) 追いつめられた金融エリートたち
- 作者: アンドリュー・ロス・ソーキン,加賀山卓朗
- 出版社/メーカー: 早川書房
- 発売日: 2010/07/09
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 8人 クリック: 323回
- この商品を含むブログ (39件) を見る
リーマン・ショック・コンフィデンシャル(下) 倒れゆくウォール街の巨人
- 作者: アンドリュー・ロス・ソーキン,加賀山卓朗
- 出版社/メーカー: 早川書房
- 発売日: 2010/07/09
- メディア: 単行本
- 購入: 4人 クリック: 62回
- この商品を含むブログ (35件) を見る
SPIEGEL: Did any of these bankers you talked to show remorse?
Sorkin: All of the characters in their own way have some sense of remorse. But they see this as a crisis with many fathers so they consider themselves to be almost blameless.
SPIEGEL: That seems absurd.
Sorkin: They see this as a crisis that's the result of housing policies, that's the result of low interest rates, that's the result of bad enforcement of regulation and bad regulations, of credit rating agencies. If you want to blame them in the context of everybody else, fine. If you want to blame me alone, they say, look at everybody else. Many of them feel vilified now.
SPIEGEL: But surely they must understand the public anger.
Sorkin: I think that's very hard for many people in this industry, in part because it's a business of big egos. There are a lot of people in the business who think they did a lot of the right things. They might have made a lot of money, but they give the money to charity. They went to a good school and they thought: I went up the ladder, and I did what I was supposed to do. They can't fathom that they might have made a mistake along the way.
SPIEGEL: Even in the moment of greatest crisis the bankers in your book don't seem to show fear. Lehman Brothers boss Richard Fuld seems to regard the looming collapse of his company only with frustration and anger. Did any of the financial executives ever admit that the prospect of the collapse of the global financial system scared them or made them nervous?
Sorkin: I think there were probably elements of those feelings. But there's also a feeling that they can't fail, that they won't fail.
SPIEGEL: Too big to fail.
Sorkin: We think of this phrase in the context of financial institutions which arguably are too big to fail. But I always saw it as a human drama about people who thought they were too big to fail. They come from a culture where there's always another deal, there's always another trade to be made. And so even at the point where you think they have their last card to play, they think they've got three other cards.
SPIEGEL: Those CEOs who made it through the crisis seem to see themselves as survivors.
Sorkin: Some of them use the phrase survivor as if they were cancer survivors: Yet they helped create the cancer themselves and then needed tax money to be rescued.
シュピーゲル:大きすぎて潰せない(Too big to fail[=本の原題])、というわけですね。