

● Dawson:MITスピーチ (2002/06/13)(リンク


12. The great British economist John Maynard Keynes, who Stiglitz greatly admires, once said in replying to a critic: "When I get new information, I change my opinions. What, sir, do you do with new information?" One is tempted to ask Joe Stiglitz why, despite the new information about the fall of central planning, there has not been a transition in his views about the relative prevalence of market and government failure.

13. Other eminent economists have made the transition. Larry Summers, former U.S. Treasury Secretary and currently President of an university in Cambridge whose name escapes me, is one example. He said, in an interview, that when he was growing up Milton Friedman was the devil incarnate in his household. But now, Summers said, he has ungrudging respect for Friedman's views about the market.

● Camdessus:Nouvel Observateur記事への反論 (2002/09/12)(リンク

こちらはIMFの専務理事、すなわちIMFトップだったカムドシュ氏自らの反論。と言っても反論のポイントは絞られており、「(カムドシュ氏は)ある席で、経済回復のためには人々は『痛みに耐えるべきだ…』と自分に言った」とNouvel Observateur誌にスティグリッツが書いたのに対し、それは事実に反する、というもの。

It is precisely against that argument-the notion that the suffering of adjustment has redeeming qualities-that I fought so tirelessly during my 13 years at the IMF.


また、スタン・フィッシャーへの当てこすりに反発しているのは、ロゴフのOpen Letterとも共通している。それだけIMFにとって看過しがたい問題だったようだ。