スティグリッツの本「Globalization and Its Discontents」(邦訳は30日エントリの商品紹介参照)についてデロングが自ブログで書評を行なったことがあるので、今日はそれを取り上げてみる。なお、これは実は2回目の書評。最初の書評はそれほど面白くはなく、本の内容が首尾一貫していない、というロゴフなども指摘した問題を取り上げるに留まっている。この2回目の書評が面白いのは、その首尾一貫していない理由を、スティグリッツの心理分析に絡めて掘り下げている点である。
These repeated changes of position tell me that Stiglitz's main complaint against Summers, Fischer, and all is that they were sitting in the control seat where he wanted to be. He wanted to be the one making the decisions about when to lend in hope and when lending would be hopeless, when the current leader is the best that can be expected and when the best option is to cut off all economic contact and hope the current leader falls quickly. The fact that he's not able to come up with a consistent critique from a consistent position tells me that his complaints aren't intellectual--"staff" complaints that the guiding principles are wrong--but are complaints about implementation--"line" complaints that he could have done it better and ought to have had one of the Bigger Jobs.
But when I, at least, take an honest look back, I am impressed not by the number of calls that Bentsen-Summers-Rubin-Camdessus-Fischer got wrong, but by the number of calls that they got right. My ex-boss at the Treasury Alicia Munnell once said, "You know, Brad, in most of my jobs I've thought that I could do at least as good a job as my boss if I had his chair. But not here. Not know*1. There are good reasons that he [in this case, Lloyd Bentsen] is the Secretary of the Treasury, and I'm just the spear-carrier."
In this case it is clear--and I presume Joe would agree that it is clear--that the principal function of the IMF is to serve as a scapegoat...What is not so clear--even for this first group--is exactly how tough the IMF should be.
...Now on this issue I am a lily-livered social democrat: I am with Joe. I do wish the IMF would make larger loans with less conditionality for longer periods of time, first because I am still unpersuaded that IMF-enabled "moral hazard" is a real issue, and second because it seems to me that the IMF's loan collection record is so good that it *cannot* be optimizing (in the sense that I cannot be optimizing on the dash to the airport because I have never missed a plane).
これらの国はディレンマに直面する。海外投資家を引き止めるために金利を高くすれば投資を殺してしまう半面、景気対策として金利を低くすれば、クルーグマンが"open-economy Bernanke-Gertler"チャネルと呼んだ経路*2により、やはり投資が死んでしまう。IMFの救済により、経済がどちらの末路も辿らないようなsweet spotに金利が落ち着いてくれれば良いが、そうでなければIMFの資金提供は単に海外投資家に出口――IMF職員がブラックユーモアを込めてFIEF(Foreign Investor Exit Facility)と呼ぶ――を提供するだけになってしまう。
デロングはここでスティグリッツに疑問を投げかける。この"open-economy Bernanke-Gertler"チャネルはまさにモラルハザードや逆選択を通じて通貨安が経済に悪影響をもたらすケースなのに、なぜそのチャネルの存在を、情報の不完全性の研究でノーベル賞を受賞した当のスティグリッツが否定するのか? また、高金利によりモラルハザードや逆選択が減ってリスクプレミアムが低下するのは、まさにスティグリッツ好みのパラドックスではないか?
I don't understand it.