
前回エントリで紹介したのとほぼ同じ著者による自己申告の厚生(SWB)調査に関する表題のNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「From Happiness Data to Economic Conclusions」で、著者はDaniel J. Benjamin(UCLA)、Kristen Cooper(ゴードン大学)、Ori Heffetz(コーネル大学)、Miles S. Kimball(コロラド大学ボルダー校)。

Happiness data—survey respondents’ self-reported well-being (SWB)—have become increasingly common in economics research, with recent calls to use them in policymaking. Researchers have used SWB data in novel ways, for example to learn about welfare or preferences when choice data are unavailable or difficult to interpret. Focusing on leading examples of this pioneering research, the first part of this review uses a simple theoretical framework to reverse-engineer some of the crucial assumptions that underlie existing applications. The second part discusses evidence bearing on these assumptions and provides practical advice to the agencies and institutions that generate SWB data, the researchers who use them, and the policymakers who may use the resulting research. While we advocate creative uses of SWB data in economics, we caution that their use in policy will likely require both additional data collection and further research to better understand the data.