
少し前に、自分の支持政党から大統領が出ていると経済の先行きに楽観的になる、というセンチメントを利用した研究を紹介したが、格付けアナリストの仕事もまたそうしたセンチメントに左右される、ということを示したNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。論文のタイトルは「Partisan Professionals: Evidence from Credit Rating Analysts」で、著者はElisabeth Kempf(シカゴ大)、Margarita Tsoutsoura(コーネル大)。

Partisan bias affects the decisions of financial analysts. Using a novel hand-collected dataset that links credit rating analysts to party affiliations from voter registration records, we show that analysts who are not affiliated with the U.S. President's party are more likely to downward-adjust corporate credit ratings. Our identification approach compares analysts with different party affiliations covering the same firm at the same point in time, ensuring that differences in the fundamentals of rated firms cannot explain the results. The effect is more pronounced in periods of high partisan conflict and for analysts who vote frequently. Our results suggest that partisan bias and political polarization create distortions in the cost of capital of U.S. firms.