
という、さもありなん、な結果が、ケイトー研究所のCato Journalという、内容からしてさもありなん、なジャーナルに掲載された論文で報告されている(H/T Mostly Economics)。論文のタイトルは「Forecast Bias of Government Agencies」で、著者はカリフォルニア州立大のRobert Krol。

This article evaluates the accuracy of the CBO, OMB, and Blue Chip Consensus forecasts of real GDP growth. Assuming a symmetric loss function, the unbiased forecast hypothesis is rejected for the five-year forecast, but not the two-year forecast. For the two- and five-year horizons, information efficiency is usually rejected. However, tests for loss function asymmetry suggest these results are unreliable. The proper loss function in this case is a flexible loss function. Estimates under a flexible loss function suggest that each agency’s loss function is asymmetric. These estimates indicate a significant upward bias in the OMB forecast. This is interpreted to mean executive branch political pressure influences the forecast. In contrast, both the CBO and Blue Chip forecasts have a downward bias. The CBO economic outlook is consistent with the private sector forecast. In contrast to previous work, once the asymmetry of the loss function is taken into account, government forecasters appear to use information on the economy efficiently in arriving at their GDP forecasts. These results differ from most of the literature on government forecast evaluation. By addressing the issue of intentional forecast bias, they highlight the roll political pressure and institutional design may play in economic forecasts.


  • 大統領の管理下にあるOMBと異なり、CBOは個人や特定政党ではなく議会の管理下にあり、より独立性が高い、という制度設計上の違いが存在する。CBOは、相異なる政治目標を持つ両党の議員に対し説明責任を持つ。独立性が高いため、客観的な予測を出すことに伴うコストが低い。
  • CBO予測がコンセンサス予測から大きく乖離すると、党派性があるように見える。コンセンサスに近ければ、議会での弁明が容易になる。また、外部のアドバイザーの存在もコンセンサスに近付ける方向に働く。

