コチャラコタ・ミネアポリス連銀総裁のAEAでの講演がEconomist's ViewやMostly Economicsで紹介されている。
Over the past four decades in Minneapolis, we have found that, to be effective, independent research should follow the usual rules of academic economics. More specifically, economists must be free to pursue any question, use any available tools and arrive at any answer. The quality of those answers is ultimately measured by rigorous academic peer review, not by internal managerial judgment.
So, university and Reserve Bank jobs are not all that different in terms of the role of independent research. What distinguishes academic jobs from Reserve Bank jobs for economists is how they spend their non-research time. Economists with academic jobs spend most of their non-research time teaching. Economists with Reserve Bank jobs spend most of their non-research time supporting public policy work. As I stated at the outset, my main theme today is that public policy work in a Reserve Bank relies on a much wider variety of economic specializations than might be generally appreciated.
I’ve described a Federal Reserve System in which each Reserve Bank has a broad-based group of economists. Some listeners might ask: Why not put all the economists in Washington? Or why not have each bank specialize in a different subfield of economics? I have a couple of answers to these questions. The first is grounded in the nature of monetary policymaking at the Federal Reserve. The essence of the Federal Reserve System is that each of the 12 Reserve Bank presidents brings a distinct perspective to monetary policy deliberations. But these perspectives need to be appropriately informed by economic analysis—and, as I’ve argued, that kind of support requires a broad range of skills to be effective.
Second, I view geographic diversity as a necessary ingredient to generating valuable intellectual diversity across the System. Back in the 1970s, the Minneapolis Fed Research department played a key role in fostering the “rational expectations revolution” that has helped transform the making of monetary policy around the world. Would these economists have played this same role had they been working in Washington—or anywhere else in the System, for that matter? I believe that the answer to this question is no. The ideas in the Research department were generated by synergistic interactions between Minneapolis Fed economists and University of Minnesota economists—synergies that owed a lot to the geographical proximity between the two institutions. I see those same intellectual synergies as critical to the Minneapolis Fed’s, and the System’s, thinking as we move forward.
二つ目として、私は、地理的多様性が連銀システムにおいて価値ある知的多様性を生み出す必須要件であると考えています。かつて1970年代にミネアポリス連銀調査部門は「合理的期待革命」を醸成する主要な役割を果たしましたが、その革命は世界の金融政策策定方法が転換する一助となりました。ワシントン、ないしその点で言えば連銀システムのどこか別の場所で働いていたとしたら、それらのエコノミストは同じ役割を果たしたでしょうか? その答えは否だと私は思います。調査部門におけるアイディアは、ミネアポリス連銀のエコノミストとミネソタ大学の経済学者の相乗的な相互作用によって生み出されました。そのシナジー効果は、2つの機関の地理的な近さによるところが大きかったのです。この知的な相乗効果はまた、我々が先に進む際、ミネアポリス連銀ならびに連銀システムの思考法にとって極めて重要である、と私は思います。
Economist's ViewのMark Thomaは、最近のミネアポリス連銀調査部門のお家騒動(cf. ここ)に関するヒントがこの講演に潜んでいないのかしらん、とコメントしているが、そのヒントに一番近いのは最後の一文だろう:
What it takes to be successful in our organization as an economist is extraordinary dedication to, and belief in, our public policy mission.