Economic Logicが、昨日紹介した身長ネタの続きとして、今度は双子を題材にしたフィンランドの研究を紹介している。論文のタイトルは「Stature and Life-Time Labor Market Outcomes:Accounting for Unobserved Differences」で、著者はLabour Institute for Economic ResearchのPetri Böckermanとタンペレ大学のJari Vainiomäki。
We use twin data matched to register-based individual information on earnings and employment to examine the effect of height on life-time labor market outcomes. The use of twin data allows us to remove otherwise unobserved ability and other differences. The twin pair difference estimates from instrumental variables estimation for genetically identical twins reveal a significant height-wage premium for women but not for men. This result implies that cognitive ability explains the effect of height on life-time earnings for men. Additional findings using capital income as the outcome variable suggest that discrimination against short persons may play a role for women.
*1:cognitive abilityについてはこちらのエントリの注を参照。
This argument is based on the assumption that discrimination is less prevalent for the acquisition of capital income compared to earnings.[The focus on capital income removes, for the most part, the effect of discrimination on hiring decisions, but discrimination by consumers against short persons may still have some impact on the amount of capital income. However, our capital income measure also contains income from financial investments where discrimination by consumers is not possible.] Unobserved, ability-related self-selection may create a cross-sectional correlation for height with earnings and capital income. The disappearance of this correlation in twin-pair differences for capital income but not for earnings gives support for our discrimination-based interpretation for women.