とDavid Glasnerが昨日紹介したエントリの続きで書いている。
- 優れた人々もたまに原則から逸脱してしまうことがある。ハイエクでさえ、「Full Employment at Any Price」という本でルールベースの政策という原則から逸脱した。
- 「Full Employment at Any Price?」は本ではなく"Inflation, the Misdirection of Labour, and Unemployment"と題された1975年講演の内容をまとめたパンフレット(Institute of Economic Affairsのoccasional paper 45)。また、タイトルの最後には疑問符が付いているが、テイラーの講演での発音からすると、その点を見落としている。その結果、本の主旨を逆に理解していると思われる。
I wish I could share the confidence of my friend Milton Friedman who thinks that one could deprive the monetary authorities, in order to prevent the abuse of their powers for political purposes, of all discretionary powers by prescribing the amount of money they may and should add to circulation in any one year. It seems to me that he regards this as practicable because he has become used for statistical purposes to draw a sharp distinction between what is to be regarded as money and what is not. This distinction does not exist in the real world. I believe that, to ensure the convertibility of all kinds of near-money into real money, which is necessary if we are to avoid severe liquidity crises or panics, the monetary authorities must be given some discretion. But I agree with Friedman that we will have to try and get back to a more or less automatic system for regulating the quantity of money in ordinary times. The necessity of “suspending” Sir Robert Peel’s Bank Act of 1844 three times within 25 years after it was passed ought to have taught us this once and for all.
As regards Professor Friedman’s proposal of a legal limit on the rate at which a monopolistic issuer of money was to be allowed to increase the quantity in circulation, I can only say that I would not like to see what would happen if it ever became known that the amount of cash in circulation was approaching the upper limit and that therefore a need for increased liquidity could not be met.
To such a situation the classic account of Walter Bagehot . . . would apply: “In a sensitive state of the English money market the near approach to the legal limit of reserve would be a sure incentive to panic; if one-third were fixed by law, the moment the banks were close to one-third, alarm would begin and would run like magic.
*1:バジョットの引用部分の訳は「ロンバード街 金融市場の解説 (日経BPクラシックス)」に拠った。