
というECB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。論文の原題は「Macroeconomic risks across the globe due to the Spanish Flu」で、著者は同行のRoberto A. De SantisとWouter Van der Veken。

We characterise the distribution of expected GDP growth during the Great Influenza Pandemic (known also as Spanish Flu) using a non-linear method in a country panel setting. We show that there are non-negligible risks of large GDP losses with the 5% left tail of the distribution suggesting a drop in the typical country’s real per capita GDP equal to 29.1% in 1918, 10.9% in 1919 and 3.6% in 1920. Moreover, the fall in per capita GDP after the Spanish flu was on average particularly large in low-income countries. Particularly, the size of the GDP drop in the lower tail of the distributions is high for higher income countries and immense for lower income countries. As for the United States, the estimated size of the recession in the lower tail of the distribution following the Spanish flu is not negligible.


Barro et al. (2020) show that the loss in terms of real per capita GDP for a typical country due to the Spanish flu amounts to 6.0% cumulated over the three year period 1918-1920. Using the non-linear panel model, we corroborate the cumulated drop in economic activity of about 7.2% for the typical country due to the pandemic disease, about 70% of the economic damage occurring in the first year.

論文の表では日本についての結果も示されており、1918-1920年の各年の平均的な落ち込みがそれぞれ-1.43、-0.65、-1.32(標準的な国は-4.86、-1.74、-0.57)、レフトテールリスクの落ち込みがそれぞれ-9.00、-4.13、-8.32(標準的な国は-29.12、-10.86、-3.55)(単位はいずれも%)と最初の2年の落ち込みは相対的に小さいが3年目が大きい形となっている。なお、一人当たり実質GDPの中央値を基に低所得国と高所得国を分けた分析では日本は低所得国に分類されており、そちらの分析では1918-1920年の各年の平均的な落ち込みがそれぞれ-1.73、-0.73、-1.57(標準的な低所得国は-7.27、-2.75、-0.86、標準的な高所得国は-3.50、-0.89、-0.26)、 レフトテールリスクの落ち込みがそれぞれ-15.02、-8.15、-14.04(標準的な低所得国は-52.13、-22.14、-8.98、標準的な高所得国は-15.35、-1.07、-1.30)となっている。