
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Bases, Bullets and Ballots: the Effect of U.S. Military Aid on Political Conflict in Colombia」で、著者はNYUのOeindrila Dubeとコロンビア大のSuresh Naidu。

Does foreign military assistance strengthen or further weaken fragile states facing internal conflict? Aid may strengthen the state by bolstering its repressive capacity vis-à-vis armed non-state actors, or weaken it if resources are diverted to these very groups. We examine how U.S. military aid affects political violence in Colombia. We exploit the allocation of U.S. military aid to Colombian military bases, and compare how aid affects municipalities with and without bases. We use an instrument based on worldwide increases in U.S. military aid (excluding Latin America). We find that U.S. military assistance leads to differential increases in attacks by paramilitaries, but has no effect on guerrilla attacks. Aid also results in more paramilitary (but not guerrilla) homicides during election years, particularly in politically competitive municipalities. The findings suggest that foreign military assistance may strengthen armed non-state actors, undermining domestic political institutions.
外国からの軍事援助は、内紛に直面している脆弱な国家を強くするのか、それともさらに弱くするのか? 援助によって政府が非政府武装組織を押さえつける能力が補強されて強めるかもしれないし、当の組織に資源が渡ってしまうことで弱めるかもしれない。我々は米国の軍事援助がコロンビアにおける政治的暴力にどのように影響しているかを調べた。我々はコロンビアの軍事基地への米国の軍事援助の割り当てを調べ、基地のある地方と無い地方に対する援助の影響を比較した。その際、(中南米を除く)世界全体への米国の軍事援助の増加を操作変数に用いた。その結果、米国の軍事援助は民兵組織の攻撃の増加に違いをもたらすが、ゲリラの攻撃には影響しないことが見い出された。援助は、選挙の年の民兵組織による殺害件数の増加をもたらし(ただしゲリラによる殺害件数には影響しない)、とりわけ政治的緊張の高い地方においてそうであった。以上の発見は、外国からの軍事援助が非政府武装組織を強め、国内の政治体制を損なってしまう可能性を示唆している。


The Colombian civil war started with the launch of a communist insurgency in the 1960s. Officially, it is a three-sided conflict involving the government military, communist insurgents, and right-wing paramilitary groups, though typically, the government and the paramilitary groups have been allied against the guerrilla. The conflict remained low intensity throughout the 1980s, when it effectively served as a Cold War proxy, but escalated sharply during the 1990s for a number of different reasons, including guerrilla defeat of the narcotraffickers, and the emergence of paramilitary groups.