
Mostly Economicsが紹介しているクリーブランド連銀のWPで、デトロイトの凋落における人口や所得の低下の濃淡を分析している。


When a city experiences a decline in income or population, do all neighborhoods within the city decline equally? Or do some neighborhoods decline more than others? What are the characteristics of the neighborhoods that decline the most? We answer these questions by looking at what happened to neighborhoods within Detroit as the city experienced a sharp decline in income and population from the 1980s to the late 2000s. We find patterns of changes in income and population that are consistent with the model and empirical patterns of gentrification presented in Guerrieri, Hartley, and Hurst (2011), only playing out in reverse.
都市が所得や人口の面で衰退する時、その都市の中の各地区は等しく衰退するのだろうか? それともある地区の衰退が他の地区よりも著しいということがあるのだろうか? 最も衰退が激しい地区の特徴はどのようなものだろうか? 我々は、1980年代から2000年代後半に掛けて所得や人口の急激な低下を経験したデトロイトの各地区で何が起きたかを調べることにより、こうした問いに回答を提示する。我々が見い出した所得や人口の変化のパターンは、Guerrieri, Hartley, and Hurst (2011)*1のモデルや実証分析での中産階級化のパターンと整合的であるが、ただし方向は逆方向であった。


First, the model predicts that population should decline most in the poorer neighborhoods relative to the richer neighborhoods. This is because the city should be contracting and people want to locate as close to the richer neighborhoods as possible given the higher externalities from those neighborhoods. Second, the model predicts that the income declines should be greatest in the neighborhoods that were initially close to the rich neighborhoods. This is because the rich neighborhoods will contract. The neighborhoods that used to be the fringe rich neighborhoods will now be populated by poorer residents. As a result, we should observe disproportionately large declines in income in these neighborhoods as they flip from being higher income to being lower income.

