
先月27日にリチャード・クラリダ(Richard H. Clarida)FRB副議長が金利の正常化を正当化する発言をして話題になったが、以下はその表題の講演(原題は「Data Dependence and U.S. Monetary Policy」)の最終部。

As the economy has moved to a neighborhood consistent with the Fed's dual-mandate objectives, risks have become more symmetric and less skewed to the downside than when the current rate cycle began three years ago. Raising rates too quickly could unnecessarily shorten the economic expansion, while moving too slowly could result in rising inflation and inflation expectations down the road that could be costly to reverse, as well as potentially pose financial stability risks.
Although the real federal funds rate today is just below the range of longer-run estimates presented in the September SEP, it is much closer to the vicinity of r* than it was when the FOMC started to remove accommodation in December 2015. How close is a matter of judgment, and there is a range of views on the FOMC. As I have already stressed, r* and u* are uncertain, and I believe we should continue to update our estimates of them as new data arrive. This process of learning about r* and u* as new data arrive supports the case for gradual policy normalization, as it will allow the Fed to accumulate more information from the data about the ultimate destination for the policy rate and the unemployment rate at a time when inflation is close to our 2 percent objective.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「The Propagation of Monetary Policy Shocks in a Heterogeneous Production Economy」で、著者はErnesto Pastén(チリ中銀)、Raphael Schoenle(ブランダイス大)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。

We study the transmission of monetary policy shocks in a model in which realistic heterogeneity in price rigidity interacts with heterogeneity in sectoral size and input-output linkages, and derive conditions under which these heterogeneities generate large real effects. Empirically, heterogeneity in the frequency of price adjustment is the most important driver behind large real effects, whereas heterogeneity in input-output linkages contributes only marginally, with differences in consumption shares in between. Heterogeneity in price rigidity further is key in determining which sectors are the most important contributors to the transmission of monetary shocks, and is necessary but not sufficient to generate realistic output correlations. In the model and data, reducing the number of sectors decreases monetary non-neutrality with a similar impact response of inflation. Hence, the initial response of inflation to monetary shocks is not sufficient to discriminate across models and for the real effects of nominal shocks.


というNBER論文をマイケル・ウッドフォードらが書いている昨年9月時点のWP)。原題は「Information Costs and Sequential Information Sampling」で、著者はBenjamin Hébert(スタンフォード大)、Michael Woodford(コロンビア大)。

We propose a new approach to modeling the cost of information structures in rational inattention problems, the "neighborhood-based" cost functions. These cost functions have two properties that we view as desirable: they summarize the results of a sequential evidence accumulation problem, and they capture notions of "perceptual distance." The first of these properties is connected to an extensive literature in psychology and neuroscience, and the second ensures that neighborhood-based cost functions, unlike mutual information, make accurate predictions about behavior in perceptual experiments. We compare the implications of our neighborhood-based cost functions with those of a mutual-information cost function in a series of applications: security design, global games, modeling perceptual judgments, and a linear-quadratic-Gaussian tracking problem.


In Sims’ theory, the cost of an arbitrary information structure is proportional to the Shannon mutual information between the true state of the world and the information state available to the DM.
It is not obvious, though, that the theorems that justify the use of mutual information in communications engineering (Cover and Thomas (2012)) provide any warrant for using it as a cost function in a theory of attention allocation, either in the case of economic decisions or that of perceptual judgments.
しかし、コミュニケーション工学において相互情報量の使用を正当化する定理(Cover=Thomas (2012)*5)が、経済的意思決定にしろ知覚判断にしろ、注意割当理論における費用関数としてそれを用いることについて何らかの保証を提供するかどうかは明らかではない。

*1:cf. ここで紹介したウッドフォード論文。

*2:cf. 相互情報量 - Wikipedia

*3:cf. Global game - Wikipedia

*4:cf. ここ


情報理論 -基礎と広がり-

情報理論 -基礎と広がり-


「The Effect of the Economic Collapse in Iceland on the Probability of Cardiovascular Events」というNBER論文が上がっている。著者はKristín H. Birgisdóttir(アイスランド大)、Arna Hauksdóttir(同)、Christopher J. Ruhm(バージニア大)、Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir(アイスランド大)、Tinna Laufey Ásgeirsdóttir(同)。

We explore whether the 2008 economic collapse in Iceland and subsequent economic crisis affected the probability of ischemic heart disease (IHD) events, independent of regular cyclical effects attributed to typical economic conditions. We estimate linear probability models using administrative data on IHD events, earnings and balance-sheet status, as well as unemployment for all Icelanders aged 16 and older in 2000-2014.
We find that the sharp change in economic conditions in 2008 had a positive long-term effect on the probability of cardiovascular events in both males and females. In absolute terms these effects were small but often statistically significant and contrast with the finding that general business-cycle fluctuations operated in the opposite direction. Several potential mediators were correlated with the probability of IHD events, but their inclusion had little effect on the estimated economic crisis coefficients. A statistically significant business-cycle effect is found for both genders indicating. Thus the general business cycle and the economic collapse in 2008 and subsequent crisis can be thought of as separate phenomena with differing effects on IHD. This research contributes to the literature by exploiting a unique circumstance affecting a whole population to explore its effects on individuals, using exceptional register data.


というのは意訳に過ぎるかもしれないが、「Tax Reform Made Me Do It!」というNBER論文が上がっている12/1に紹介したNY連銀ブログ記事はトランプ減税の効果が今後従業員や投資に回る可能性を示唆していたが、この論文では実際にそうした発表を行った企業があったことを報告している。著者はMichelle Hanlon(MIT)、Jeffrey L. Hoopes(ノースカロライナ大)、Joel Slemrod(ミシガン大)。

This paper examines corporations’ actions, and statements about actions, following the tax law change known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Specifically, we examine four different outcomes—bonuses (or other actions that benefit workers), announcements of new investments, share repurchases, and dividend announcements. We find that 4% of public firms in our sample announced in Q1 2018 they would pay some portion of their tax savings toward workers. In terms of investment, we find that 22% of the S&P 500 firms in our sample mentioned in earnings conference calls that they would increase investment because of the TCJA. We find a general increase in share repurchases following the passage of the TCJA, but the increase is extremely concentrated in a small number of firms. We find only nine firms that announced a new share repurchase plan explicitly attributed the new plan to the TCJA. In regression analysis, we find that both political and economic variables explain TCJA-linked announcements. The analysis suggests that firms with greater expected tax savings from the TCJA are those most likely to announce payments to workers and plans to increase investment. Firms with a Political Action Committee that donates more to Republican candidates are also more likely to announce benefits to employees.


というNBER論文をデビッド・カードらが上げている。原題は「Unions and Wage Inequality: The Roles of Gender, Skill and Public Sector Employment」で、著者はDavid Card(UCバークレー)、Thomas Lemieux(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)、W. Craig Riddell(同)。

We examine the changing relationship between unionization and wage inequality in Canada and the United States. Our study is motivated by profound recent changes in the composition of the unionized workforce. Historically, union jobs were concentrated among low-skilled men in private sector industries. With the steady decline in private sector unionization and rising influence in the public sector, half of unionized workers are now in the public sector. Accompanying these changes was a remarkable rise in the share of women among unionized workers. Currently, approximately half of unionized employees in North America are women. While early studies of unions and inequality focused on males, recent studies find that unions reduce wage inequality among men but not among women.
In both countries we find striking differences between the private and public sectors in the effects of unionization on wage inequality. At present, unions reduce economy-wide wage inequality by less than 10%. However, union impacts on wage inequality are much larger in the public sector. Once we disaggregate by sector the effects of unions on male and female wage inequality no longer differ. The key differences in union impacts are between the public and private sectors – not between males and females.


「Global Rebalancing」と題したブログエントリでAntonio Fatasが、ここ20年間の世界の経常収支バランスの推移を概観している
それによると、まず、危機前の10年間(1998-2008、Fatasは「Global Imbalances period(世界不均衡時代)」と呼んでいる)は以下のように総括される。

  • 産油国、中国、アジアの先進国(日本、韓国、シンガポール、台湾)、および世界のその他の地域(新興国など)では経常黒字が増えていた。
  • ユーロ圏の経常収支はかなりバランスが取れていた。
  • 米国の経常赤字が他国の経常黒字を吸収していた。


  • 中国の経常収支は急速にバランスに向かっている(IMFは今後2年でバランスすると予測している)。
  • 産油国の経常収支はバランスに向かっており、2015-2016年には原油価格の下落のために僅かながら経常赤字になった。
  • ユーロ圏は大きな経常黒字にシフトした(黒字地域の中で最大の黒字)。
  • アジア先進国は黒字を維持ないし増やした。
  • 米国は引き続き他国の黒字を吸収した。
  • 2008年には多くの新興国は貯蓄者だったが、2018年には経常黒字国はすべて先進国になっている(ユーロとアジア)。


  • かつては日本が黒字の大部分を占めていたが、近年は韓国、台湾、シンガポールが増え、3ヶ国合計で日本を上回っている。
  • 全体の規模は世界GDP対比で以前とそれほど変わらない。各国のGDP比では増えている。


  • ドイツ、ユーロの経常赤字国、ユーロの経常黒字国の3グループに大別すると(ドイツを除く2グループは2000-2008年の経常収支のパターンで判断)、2000年代にはドイツが経常黒字を大きく増やした一方、経常赤字グループは赤字を大きく増やした。
  • 2008年以降、経常赤字国は急速にリバランスし、赤字から黒字に転換した、一方、ドイツは経常黒字の対世界GDP比を維持した(自国GDP比では増やした)。