sabia, dave, COVID の検索結果:


…行っているDave=Sabia*1が、今度はワクチン接種下の再開政策の影響を調べた表題のNBER論文を上げている。原題は「Statewide Reopening During Mass Vaccination: Evidence on Mobility, Public Health and Economic Activity from Texas」で、著者はDhaval M. Dave(ベントレー大)、Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)、Samuel Saf…


…Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)による表題のNBER論文(原題は「Political Violence, Risk Aversion, and Non-Localized Disease Spread: Evidence from the U.S. Capitol Riot」)の要旨。 On January 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol was sieged by rioters protesting certification of…


…Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)*1。 以下はその要旨。 Large in-person gatherings without social distancing and with individuals who have traveled outside the local area are classified as the “highest risk” for COVID-19 spread by the Centers for Disease Co…

トランプ大統領のタルサ集会はCOVID-19を再燃させたか? インドアのイベントとそれを相殺する共同体効果

…Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)。 以下はその要旨。 On June 20, 2020, President Donald J. Trump held his first mass campaign rally following the outbreak of COVID-19. Held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the political gathering attracted 6,000 to 12,000 individuals t…


…Joseph J. Sabia(同)、Samuel Safford(同)。 以下はその要旨。 Sparked by the killing of George Floyd in police custody, the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests have brought a new wave of attention to the issue of inequality within criminal justice. However, …

COVID19のコントロールは都会のカウボーイで十分か? 地域の外出禁止令とコロナウイルスの感染拡大

…Joseph J. Sabia(同)のロックダウン関連NBER論文を紹介する。表題の論文の原題は「Were Urban Cowboys Enough to Control COVID-19? Local Shelter-in-Place Orders and Coronavirus Case Growth」で、この論文では他にサンディエゴ州立大のSamuel Saffordが著者に加わっている。 以下はその要旨。 One of the most common policy p…

外出禁止令はCOVID-19と闘う上でどのタイミングで出すのが最善か? 州および実施時期による政策効果の違い

…Joseph J. Sabia(同)。 以下はその要旨。 Shelter in place orders (SIPOs) require residents to remain home for all but essential activities such as purchasing food or medicine, caring for others, exercise, or traveling for employment deemed essential. B…

ウィスコンシン最高裁はCOVID-19疫病を再発させたか? 自然実験の実証結果

…Joseph J. Sabia(サンディエゴ州立大)。 以下はその要旨。 Both the White House and state governors have explicitly linked thresholds of reduced COVID-19 case growth to the lifting of statewide shelter-in-place orders (SIPOs). This “hardwired” policy endogeneity…