
というNBER論文が上がっている(H/T Mostly Economicsタイラー・コーエンungated版へのリンクがある著者のページ)。原題は「The End of Oil」で、著者はRyan Kellogg(シカゴ大)。

My main question of interest concerns how producers’ anticipation of a long-run decline in global oil demand might affect their behavior. One possibility is that producers increase their current rates of extraction, via a mechanism that dates to Sinclair (1992) and was coined the green paradox by Sinn (2008). This concern is rooted in the idea that oil reserves are an exhaustible resource that producers will extract in a way that maximizes their long-run present discounted value, per Hotelling (1931). Hence, an anticipated future reduction in oil demand will induce producers to accelerate extraction towards the present. This intertemporal shift would at least partially offset any future emissions reductions and perhaps even lead to an increase in the total present value of climate damages.
It is also possible, however, that an anticipated demand decline will cause oil producers to reduce near-term extraction. A suite of papers in economics dating at least to Nystad (1987) and Adelman (1990) has documented that the oil industry is characterized by up-front investments in wells and other infrastructure that enable oil production at a low marginal cost and subject to a binding capacity constraint. If producers anticipate a fall in the future demand for oil, this belief will reduce their incentive to make long-lived investments, leading to lower extraction even in the near-term. This potential disinvestment effect has drawn considerable industry commentary (Manley and Heller, 2021; Jain and Palacios, 2023; Ryan, 2023; Salzman, 2023), and a recent survey of oil and gas executives (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2023) found that a majority of respondents believed that an energy transition would increase rather than decrease the price of oil over a five-year horizon.



Yes, plastics / petrochemicals are likely the end-uses where it'll be hardest to substitute away from crude oil. Most of the analysis in the paper assumes that oil demand eventually goes all the way to zero, but sec 4.3 considers a case where 15% of demand remains indefinitely.