
クルーグマンが4/15の連ツイで、Iván WerningのNBER論文を基に、理論の裏付けのある基調インフレについて述べている。

Wonk alert! It's a beautiful day, soon I'm going to take a run in the park, but first, some thoughts about ... inflation, where I may actually have something new to say. Bottom line here; I'll explain shortly what I mean and where it comes from 1/
Background: I've become increasingly disillusioned with attempts to measure underlying inflation, which seem more and more like the efforts of haruspices to find auguries in the entrails of animal sacrifices. (This goes for my own efforts too). 2/
What's lacking, I think I now believe, is a clear model of what we're trying to measure. Enough facts — time for some theory! And I found myself rereading a 2022 paper by Ivan Werning 3/
Ivan's point was that while we economists often write down a Phillips curve which shows expected inflation having a one-for-one effect on actual inflation, that's not actually what our models say 4/
It's true that standard models of staggered price-setting, which underly much inflation analysis, say that there is no long-run inflation-unemployment tradeoff; but when firms raise prices in a sustained inflationary environment, expectations are only part of the story 5/
Part of why firms keep raising prices is to get ahead of expected price increases by their competitors and suppliers; but part of it is catchup with increases in others' prices since the last time you raised your own prices. 6/
So the coefficient on expected inflation per se isn't 1. In a Taylor model in which prices and wages are reset at fixed intervals, it's actually 1/2. Again, still no tradeoff btw inflation and unemployment, but it's not just a straight expectations story 7/
When I was a young economist, I used to mock older guys whose response to any idea was "It's trivial, it's wrong, and I said it in 1963." Now I'm one of those guys — except this isn't trivial and I don't think it's wrong. I did, however, say something like this in 2008 8/
Here's a 2008 blog post on "embedded inflation" that lays out a story about wage-setting that, I think, is exactly what Ivan is saying: inflation can be self-sustaining through a combination of expectations and catchup, with the implied weights equal 9/
Obv Ivan does a lot more than I did there. But here's the question: can we actually implement this model-based concept? Actually, yes, using data from the Atlanta Fed's Business Expectations Survey 10/
The survey asks businesses how much unit costs rose in the past year and how much they expect them to rise over the year ahead. A Werning-type analysis suggests that the average of these numbers should measure embedded inflation 11/
Where by embedded inflation I mean the amount by which firms would raise prices even in the absence of excess demand or supply. And again, here's what that average looks like 12/
So, underlying inflation by this measure still high but down significantly from its peak, even though unemployment hasn't risen at all. Not so different from what many are saying, but in this case there's actually some theory behind it. 13/
以下、専門的な話であることに注意! 今日は素晴らしい日なので、間もなく公園でランニングをするつもりなのだが、その前にまたもやインフレについての考えを記しておく。これについて少し新しい話ができるかと思う。基本的な話は以下の図参照。その意味と出所についてはすぐに説明する。

欠けているのは、計測しようとしていることに関する明確なモデルだ、と私は考えるようになった。事実は十分に積み重なったので、今は理論が必要なのだ! ということで私は、イヴァン・ワーニングの2022年の論文を読み直している。
もちろん、そこで私が行ったよりももっと多くのことをイヴァンは行っている。しかしここで疑問が生じる。このモデルに基づくコンセプトを現実に当てはまることができるか? 実際のところ、できる。アトランタ連銀の企業予想調査のデータを使えば*1



Coming back to this, because I think some more explanation may be in order. And Ivan Werning's excellent piece, which I cite, is *very* much written for academics; so maybe I can supply some more intuition 1/
Basic idea, going back to Phelps 1968, is embedded inflation via staggered wage setting. Imagine that each wage-setter aims to set a wage relative to rivals/suppliers depending on state of labor market; if conditions are "neutral" it just tries to match the average over time 2/
A picture, which I could swear I've circulated before, but can't find, shows "equilibrium", self-sustaining 10% wage inflation: 3/
Just to match the average, a wage-setter who revises wages once a year must raise wages 10% each time — half to make up for past inflation, half to get ahead of future inflation. So the embedded rate of inflation is the average of past and expected future wage cost rises 4/
And as I tweeted earlier, Atlanta Fed data give us this, with current embedded inflation a bit above 3% 5/
Why not use either consumer expectations or market expectations? Because neither consumers nor bond traders set wages and prices, and the story involves perceived competitive conditions rather than the cost of living 6/
How does disinflation happen in this story? A weaker labor market leads firm to try and undershoot the average, which slows wage growth (the past) and feeds through into falling expected growth (the future). So embedded inflation falls 7/
Kind of remarkable that this seems to be happening with unemployment still very low and vacancies high. But anyway that's my logic. Not trying to make the case for a soft landing, and embedded inf still looks above Fed target. But looks better than many numbers you hear 8/
And Jason Furman argues that the Atlanta Fed #s are too optimistic. Certainly willing to consider that possibility, although the unit labor cost #s reflect some odd productivity behavior. But I do think this is the right framework 9/
Productivity has been really odd. My guess is that we saw a quirky divergence from trend, which inflates recent measures of unit labor cost, but others' mileage may differ 10/
Picture 11/
But my main point is that we need to clearly define what we mean by underlying inflation — it should be grounded in some kind of model. And much as I respect the data crunching, I don't think we're seeing enough of that 12/


なぜ消費者予想か市場予想を使わないのか? 消費者も債券のトレーダーも賃金や価格を設定しないためだ。また、生計費ではなく競争環境についての認識に関する話であるためだ。
この話においてディスインフレはどのように生じるのか? 労働市場が弱いと企業は平均を下回ろうとし、それによって賃金上昇率(過去)が減速し、予想成長率(将来)も低下する。そのため埋め込まれたインフレは低下する。



*1:リンク先の説明の冒頭:The BIE was created to measure the year-ahead inflationary sentiments of businesses in the Sixth District. It also helps inform our view of the sources of cost changes and provides insight into the factors driving business' pricing decisions.
BIEは第6地区(訳注: cf. Federal Reserve DistrictsSixth District Branches - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)における企業の1年先のインフレ心理を計測するために作られた。それはまた、費用の変化の源泉について我々の見解に情報をもたらし、企業の価格決定を促す要因についての洞察を提供する。